Susprise Morning

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4:30 AM

Ezra woke up early to making susprise for his crew when they wake up. He sneaked carefully so he won't wake Zeb up. He went to kicthen and collected ingredients.

5:00 AM

Sabine heard something when she slept. Then she opened her eyes as she rubbed her eyes "I gonna find out." She followed that sound as she walked to kicthen.

Meanwhile, Ezra was cooking when he heard someone was coming to kicthen. He tried to block and it turned out it was Sabine. "Hey Sabine, what are you doing here ?" He smiled wider as he still tried to block her. "I was asking the same thing."

Ezra just could said "I can't tell right now but I gonna make a susprise for everyone."

Sabine nodded "Really ? That's a susprise."

Before she left Ezra, she said to him "Okay, but if you need something, call me." Ezra nodded at her and countinued cooking. "Okay, where was I ? Oh yes !" He took his repice and read it.

Material :
1. wheat flour 250 gram
2. eggs 2 eggs
3. margarine 4 teaspoons, dilute
4. white sugar 4 tablespoons
5. liquid milk 1 cup
6. clean water 1 cup
7. baking powder 1/2 teaspoon

After he checked all ingredients, he started cooking. He made blueberry pancakes for his crew. He followed the recipe well untill he prepared all plates on the table. At the time, he checked all pancakes and he made some tricks as he put all pancakes on all plates.

5:45 AM

Hera walked to kicthen when Sabine was by her side "Hera, where are you going ?" Sabine asked. Hera just realized that was Sabine. She looked at her "I just go to kicthen." Sabine shocked at the time as Hera opened the door. They susprised there were pancakes on the table.

"What the...?" Hera asked shockly and counfusely.

Sabine said shockly "I can't believe it."

Then Ezra met with them "Susprise !" Sabine asked to Ezra "You made all this ?" She pointed to all pancakes. He nodded "Yes, wanna try ?" He let Hera and Sabine try his pancakes. They susprised what just they tasted. "It's so delicious !" Hera said. "I don't know you can cook, Ezra." Sabine said as she countinued eating.

Suddenly, Kanan, Zeb, and Chopper. "I can smell delicious food from here." Zeb said smiling. Sabine told Zeb that was Ezra cooked. They susprised at the time. "Wow kid ! You made us susprised !" Zeb immediately ate his pancake. They loved their pancakes. Ezra smiled at them.

"I'm glad you guys like it." He said.

Then Sabine started talking with Ezra while they ate "So Ezra, how did you learned cooking ?"

Ezra told her that he and his mom always cooked everyday when he was little. At the time, he started looked down as he missed his parents. Sabine concerned at him.

After they have breakfast, they started working. Before that, Zeb said to Ezra "Thanks for your pancake, kid." Ezra said "You welcome. Tomorrow, I'll make something else for breakfast." They nodded at him and went first.

Ezra smiled at them as he remembered how much he spent time together with his parents. He tided up first before he went working with his crew.


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