#Chapter 11: Gosh He saw my butt!

Start from the beginning

 “You are never leaving out of my sight whether you like it or not! And one more thing, starting from today, you are officially part of my gang!” I said grimly.

She turned her head and looked at Tyler for help. Seeing her helpless look, I’m assuming he’s not helping her then. I smirked and told Tyler to help her pack before I walked out of the ward.

I sprinted to the counter to pay for her fees. She should be okay after taking the medication given. I took a wheelchair and carried it to her bed.

I scooped her immediately and put her onto the wheelchair. I need to get her out of here fast before any other gangs see her.


(Jennifer’s Pov)

I looked helplessly down with my arms folded to my chest. I guess I had no choice then. Blake felt satisfied after knowing that I could not say no. He smirked at me before rushing out of the ward.

 I gave Tyler a confused look. Why the hell must he hurry? Tyler however wasn’t that confused. He took a bag before putting anything that belongs to me in.

“Tyler what’s going on?” I asked nervously.

Anything with Blake is a big trouble. And I’m actually afraid of what he’s going to do to me after our little dispute. Tyler didn’t give me an answer instead he stared at me with a bit of guilt. What’s going on?! He mumbled a ‘sorry’ before telling me that he had to go and would see me soon.

Not a second later, Blake came in with a wheelchair. He carried the wheelchair over to me. I can’t stop my eyes from looking at his bulging biceps. His black shirt was tight and seems to be clinging onto his body like a second skin. I gawked at his muscle as it flexes when he put the wheelchair onto the floor.

Still in a daze, he scooped me in his strong arms before putting me onto the wheelchair. He carried me as if I weighed nothing. He sprinted and wheeled me out of the hospital. I shook my head before I started protesting.

“Gosh! Couldn’t you be more gentle and careful with my leg just now? And plus I’m not that helpless! I could move to the wheelchair myself!” I scoffed.

He was wheeling me down the car park when he suddenly stopped. He lifted his eyebrow and folded his arms.

“Fine then, I believed you could wheel yourself in the wheelchair all the way to my car. And then, you will carry yourself up to my car with your injured and bandaged leg.” He retorted.

He turned before walking away from me, leaving myself alone by the sidewalk. I gaped speechless at his back. Omg the muscles on his back… No!! Jennifer, he’s a jerk, remember?! You’re supposed to be mad!

Annoyed at his actions and his distracted body, I shifted my eyes down to my wheelchair. I put my hands onto the sides of the wheel before wheeling myself to the car. I wheeled myself even harder to the car when I realized that I was going quite slowly.

Once I reached the car, I panted heavily and wiped my sweat from my forehead. From now onward, I really give my respect to those who uses the wheelchair.(not that I don’t respect you all but this time I increase the level more) You guys are amazing! I looked at my sore, red hands. 

“So do you think you could ask nicely for my help now? Or do I have to wait for you carry yourself in?” He mocked before smirking at me.

As much as I want to strangle him right now and wiped the smirk out of his face, I think I should ask for his help. I breathe in deeply before asking help from the inconsiderate, egoistic, selfish jerk.

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