Chapter Thirty-Five: So This Is What It's Like To Be A Cat

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Everything looks so different. I've always wondered what it'd be like to see through the eyes of a cat, but I never imagined it to be like this.

I can still see everything in color, though anything with the colors purple, blue, green, and yellow stands out. Anything that moves draws my attention.

So this is what it's like to be a cat. I think to myself.

Not exactly, a mystical voice replies. Remember, you and I are one, so instead, you are seeing a mix between our two sights.

Woo- who are you? I gawk in amazement, looking around in an attempt to find the source of the voice.

The voice laughs. This is Stealth.

Well, where are you? I stop searching.

I'm in you. I can talk to you from within. Now that we are one, we talk and act as one. But since we are in no real danger, I'll let you do everything on your own.

But what if I fall?!

Don't worry, I'll be here. She reassures me.

I sigh. What do I do now?

Try walking.

I take a step foreword. Easy enough. But as I take another one, I find myself falling towards the floor. Stealth directs my arms out and I roll over in a summer salt. With that, I'm back on my feet.

Great, in just two steps, I fall on my face. I groan.

Stealth laughs. Don't worry about it. You just aren't used to this body yet.

Well that shouldn't mean that I should have trouble walking!

You have trouble walking in your ordinary body anyways! She teases. Besides, cats walk differently than humans. You, of all people, should know this.

What does that mean?

Didn't you study cats since-

No, I meant how they walk! I groan.

Oh, foot in front of foot. You're used to walking with your steps side by side, however, as a feline, you step in a straight line.

Oh yeah, I silently scold myself.

Don't fret about it. Now, try walking towards the river. After all, I think you'd be fascinated by how you look.

I sigh. Fine, which direction?

A little ways west.

I nod and turn  my body towards the west. Okay, time to walk. You can do this no problem. I coax myself. Easy peasy, no problame-

My god, just walk!

I groan. Fine. and I begin to walk. I take it slow at first, watching my footing as I go. But the longer I walk, the easier it gets. I quicken my pace and soon I don't even have to stare at the ground.


I approach a thick wall of dangling vines.

Oh shit, I curse.

Oh relax, just separate the vines with your hands, it's not that complicated! Stealth wines.

I roll my eyes. I raise my hands, but stop when I see them. What the hell--?

They're not hands, but claws! Black, white, and gray colored claws! Their shape is that of a humans but they have fur and sharp nails. The fur is patterned like Julies had been, stripped and spotted, but the color is far from hers. Instead of it being cream, orange, and peach, it's black, gray, and white. I stare at them, completely mesmerized.

You like them? Stealth's tone is amused.

Yeah, but why re they like this? I wonder, still starring in awe. I turn my hands over to find the palms covered in soft fur, almost like down feathers but in fur form.

Well, I'm a cat so thus the claws... she answers, tone now suspicious.

No, I meant the color. Why aren't they the same color you were?

Oh, well remember, we're a mix. The fur and pattern is mine, however, the shape and color is yours. You have dark hair, thus the color.

I don't have white or gray hair, though!

She laughs. White and gray are alternate forms of black, just like how cream and peach are forms of orange.

Oh, okay then.

Finally over my fascination for my cat-like hands/claws, I gently take the vines and pull them apart to find something I didn't expect.

Life is everywhere. I can see a river flowing down the center. I can hear the birds singing in the trees. The moon's light shines down on the thin clearing.

I take a step, looking up at the moon that rests high in the sky.

Stealth starts to laugh and my delighted expression falls.

Why are you laughing?

You'd think you'd stop being amazed after a certain amount of time.

I roll my eyes and make my way over to the waters edge. I start to per over the bank, but pull away at the first glance of myself. I jump to the ground on all fours, crouching as if I'm hunting for unsuspecting pray. I'm actually alarmed to hear a brushing coming from behind me. My ears shift, trying to catch the sound. Gradually, I turn my head to find a black streak swifting at nothing in particular on the ground. My posture grows as I turn my body to get better look behind me. I'm alarmed to find a long black and gray stripped tail.

Woo- I have a tail?! I silently gawk.

Stealth continues to laugh. Helps with the balance, which is especially useful in your case. She teases.

I roll my eyes. Thanks for the encouragement.

No problem,

I turn away, facing the river. I take cautious steps, inching towards the water. I finally reach the bank, and with absolute heed,  I peer over the edge.

I'm suprised  when I see these two, green cat eyes staring back at me. It's odd, my reflection. My lips appear to have bee untouched by my transformation. They remain human, as does my jaw. But from the tip of my nose up, I have become some sort of snimal -yes, a cat for those of you who don't know how to make connections-. The demensions of my face, for the most part, remain human, but with a tabby patterend black and gray fur. However, it's my nose that holds the most changes. The bridge of it is covered in these short hairs that appear to be sharp, but are actually as soft as felt. The nose, itself, shows the same look as a cat's, but black instead of pink. On the bright side, I now have a stronger sense of smell.

But something else fasinates me. It's the two grey-black ears that rest on the top of my head. They twitch occasionally, just like a cats would. Curiosity urjes me to lift up my hair, so I do. Huh, no ears, yet it doesn't look odd. I let my hair down, and it's then I see it.

Why is my hair short again!? my thoughts boom towards Stealth.

Sorry, you were out for a while and I got bored. she admits shyly.

So you cut my hair!? Ugh! I groan.

Sorry, but it does look nice, doesn't it?

I cock my head to the side slightly, admiring my reflection. Yeah, it does. I begin to smile.

I finally stand, spinning around. Where are you going? Stealth wonders, tone worried.

Back to our spot. Why is their a problem? I reply as I walk through the wall of vines.

Uh, I don't mean to burst your bubble but-

Everything suddenly becomes black as I pass out.

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