Chapter Nine: Back From The Grave

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Chris gradually lifts the comforter but I don't move. He sits up, evaluating the damage.

"I think it's over." he whispers to me.

I curl out of my little armadillo position and sit up.

Shards of glass are everywhere, even some on the comforter.

"This is insane." he looks over at me. "You all right."

He knew I hadn't been damaged by the shards, he wanted the reason as to why I was crouched over, eyes forced closed, grinding my teeth and holding my head in my hands. Also moaning, I'd give off a faint moan every so often.

"I feel -supernatural."

I can tell Chris is confused.

"Something or someone -is coming for me."

"What ever it is, I won't let it hurt you."

It becomes so silent I can hear from down the stairs the argument our friends are having, yet I can't make out all of the voices sources.

"Should we go up?"


"No, they're probably just having fun."

"Melody isn't like that, nor is Chris."

"Then why did she scream?"

"I heard glass breaking."

"Does glass make a sound when it breaks?"

"No, I don't-"

"Guys, I think they're hurt, we should-"

"No," Renee. Her voice was the only one I could make out. "We can not interfere."

A pause.

"What the fuck are you blabbering about?" I'm not certain, but I think Lilly. The rest of us don't question what Renee says, only someone who's been gone for so long would say something like that."

"I'm talking about the message to Melody."

"Message, what-"

"Sh!" I hush Chris

"She will not receive the message if any of us are around to hear."

"What about Chris?"

"He's the exception."

"What makes him so special?"

"That I don't know. But I do know that whatever this message is, we need her to hear it."

"And your positive it's today."

"The message I got stated that she will get it when the sound of six tinks on a window, (six tinks per window, four windows) will signal it to activate. A bright red circular rock will land in her hands and he will come. There is only one person able to hear it, and that is Chris. That is, if he doesn't freeze in shock. We will wait till sunset, she'll need the time to think about it."

A collection of murmers rumble in agreement and we are silent. I lower my hands and look up at Chris.

"Whatever is going on, I'll always be here."

I smile.

Abruptly, a small, bright red circular rock lands in my hands.

"Well, here it comes."

We wait in silence. Chris places his hands over mine (still holding the rock) and smiled. Whatever was supposed to happen, it didn't.

Coincidentally, a tall man in a black hooded robe enters from the balcony.

"I have a message to Melody."

"Well, what is it?"

He walked across the floor, the shards flying away from the area he was stepping on, as if by magic. He stopped in front of me, still sitting near the edge of the bed, Chris still holding on to my hands.

What happened next was something even Renee couldn't predict, for when the figure removed his hood, I felt a sword stab me, Chris bringing his hands up to his mouth, eyes wide, mouth wide in complete disbelief and shock.

"No, it can't be you." I stumble back ward, crawling away from the figure. "It can't be, that's impossible!" I continue to back up. "That's impossible, how can this be-" I stopped at the edge, forcing my eyes closed as I felt the tears building up in my eyes my head growing warmer. "It's can't be-" I sobbed, "This can't be true-"

"Melody," I didn't realize the figure had been repeating my name calmly, nor did I realize Chris hadn't moved at all since the figure removed his hood. He was frozen in shock.

"No, no, no, it's not real."


"You're not here,"


"I'm dreaming, I must be!"


"You're dead!" I shouted

He just starred at me.

"I know you're dead, I killed you eleven years ago!"

"Melody," he whispered, leisurely walking around the bed towards me.

"Why the fuck are you here!?" I cry out, my head in my hands, the red rock in front of me. "What the hell did I do wrong."

"No matter what you did, I'd still be here."

He was behind me now, his hand on my back.

"Why -why" I sobbed.

"The message, that's why I'm hear," she sat down next to me and I starred unto his deep, chocolate brown eyes.

"Is that really you?"

He nods.

"So I'm not dreaming?"

He nods again.

I pause, my entire body shaking at my sudden realization of the truth. "Hey Mark."

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