Chapter Eight: Alone Time (Till Yonder Windows Break)

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I awake to the sound of laughing. I lazily open my eyes to find myself in a bed. If I recall correctly, it was the same bed Chris and I were sitting on last night. I looked over at the wall and saw the double doors. Yup, I was definitely still here.


Were was that coming from?

"I see I'm not the only one utterly confused." I looked over my shoulder and saw Chris sitting up a foot away from me. He yawned tiresomely then gave me a friendly smile.

"The laughing wake you up too?" I rub my eyes, turning back to the doors. He knows it was just because in the morning I can get horrible neck aches.

"Yeah, I don't think anyone went home last night."


I heard him slip back underneath the covers and scoot closer to me. I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt his chest against my back, his body up against mine. I smiled and let myself soak in his warmth.

I think I ended up drifting into sleep since I wake up again later that evening.

"You think their up yet?"

"Nah, last night was pretty crazy, especially for them."

"Should we wake them up?"

A pause.

"No, don't wake them."

"Yeah, besides, they look so happy together!"

My eyes are still closed, yet I start gaining some consciousness.

"Too bad we don't have a camera-"

"Oh, fuck the camera, let them be!"

I began to recognize the voices.

"Is it too much to let them be?" Rebecca was being a good friend as always.

"Yes! Oh, Sam would love this picture!" Jessica being a prissy.

"Yeah, her and the rest of the girls crushing on Chris." Mathew teasing Jessica.

"And what about the guys crushing on Melody?" Derick being considerate enough to drag me further into this.

"Are there any?" Joe being a dick.

"I'm sure there are, I mean Chris obviously like her a lot, right?" Jessica trying to be helpful.

"I guess you're right, but he's more completely in love with her, as is she with him." Mathew being blunt.

"Guys, let's just leave them alone. It's only ten am and I'm sure they need the sleep. We'll give them till one, okay?" and there is Renee to the rescue.

The group murmurs in agreement and soon I hear the two doors shutting.

I open my eyes and look down towards the end of the bed. The blankets have been pulled back, leaving my body completely uncovered, that is except for the grey shorts made of cotton and the cotton black sports bra... Wait -I never changed into these!?

Renee must have then. She always has been a more mothering type.

I look over at Chris, still sound asleep. I realize he too is in a new set of clothes. Or should I say cloth since he'd be naked if it weren't for the long, cotton black pants. My first thought is Mathew.

His arms are still around my waist, his body up against mine. Only now I notice something else. My hands are placed on his, our fingers intertwining. One more thing, our legs mimic this.

Forever LostNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ