Chapter Fourteen: They Were Chocolate Brown

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The picture to the side is the closest to what I imagine to be Jessica. (Animation)


A soft breeze finds its way to me, a lock of my hair falls forward and carelessly dangles by my nose. I curl it back behind my ear. The light shines in my face, just bright enough to provoke me to wake me from my pleasant dreams of nothing in particular.

My eyes flutter open and I shield my eyes from the beaming sunlight. I yawn tiresomely as I sit up, extending my arms out, a faint moan escaping my throat.

It's then I notice the blanket. I was on the couch, curled up -or was-, under a soft black, fluffy blanket. I'm in a black spaghetti strapped tank and deep purple and black stripped shorts. If I recall correctly, I didn't fall asleep with a blanket on.

"You sleep well?"

I turn my attention to the end of the wall behind me, separating the living room from the kitchen. Koe is leaning against the wall, shirtless and in black jeans, a plate with bacon, strawberries, and pancakes in one hand, a cup of orange juice in the other. An admiring smirk is on his face, eyes sorrowful yet there was a stronger emotion there, longing.

"Yeah, how 'bout you?" I ask wearily, turning my body so I could lean into the back of the couch, my legs swinging over the edge, the blanket wrapped around them.

He begins walking towards me casually, sitting on top of the coffee table, handing me the plate, setting the glass down on a coaster on the table. "I've been better."

I lean over and grab the plate, immediately stuffing a pancake in my mouth. I take the syrup that he hands me -yes, I forgot to mention, he brought syrup and silver ware which I so kindly decided to avoid using- and just open my mouth and just start squirting the syrup in my mouth. I was careless to remember that my mouth was only so big and I was forced -not literally- to chew awkwardly in front of him while he laughed.

I finally managed to swallow it and I outstretched my hand, reaching for the glass of juice. He kindly handed it to me and I chugged the entire thing down. He laughs again.

I sigh heavily as I finish my drink, handing him the glass. "How so?" I grip a strip a bacon and take a bite of it.

His smile softens, his eyes more so sweet than repentfull. "Before we-"

"Please tell me that we didn't," I interject, immediately nervous.

He cringes. "God no," he looks panicked. "Oh hell no, your clean -I -I mean we're both clean we just -Oh god," he sighs, exasperated. "I'm not like that, nor are you."

I stare at him, bemused. "Then what did we do-"

"Nothing, we did nothing." he still sounds skittish. "All that happened is that we slept in the same bed next to each other. End of story." He suddenly seems repentant. "I'm sorry but I've really grown tired of having everyone accuse me of having sex with you, Lilly, Amy, and any other girl I've been with." he sighs and lowers his head. "I swear-" he raises it again, hair in his face, eyes deep. "-I'm not like that."

I nod, taking another bite of bacon. "Sorry, just sort of lost."

His expression becomes softer, the smile returning. He shakes his head, laughing subtly, starring at his feet. "Somehow though, you aren't."

I stop, swallowing, staring at him, completely beffudled. He doesn't need to look up to tell I don't know what he means.

"Basically, I can tell that the Melody I've known for over 15 years is still in there," he raises his gaze, starring into my eyes so intently, focused on me, as if he was searching for who I am -or better yet, was.- "Somewhere, I don't know where, but you're there. And I may not know how to get you back, but I promise you right now, I will find a way to get you back." he seems so serious, yet a smile is on his face. "I promise, you will return."

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