Chapter Twenty-Three: Night Of The Legendary New Moon

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No matter what, he just won't go away! And even though he seems to cause all of my problems, I'm still surprised!

Crale pulls me back, but my arms are still around him. He seems to sense my sudden need for protection, for he doesn't force me away. He instead brings me back. No one else seems to mind, let alone notice us, and out attention returns to Talon as she spoke, addressing all of us again.

"See, and basically no one understood." she glared at Crale. "But, back to the point, he was sent away after another was born with his ability to heal, minus the defect. He made his home in Canada and then met you!" she smiled. "Oh, and my overall duty as Gates Guardian is to keep apart those that don't belong as well as guard the gates of the palace." Her eyes returned to mine, an unwelcoming look in her eyes. "Sho-kta he mnus." she hissed.

"Uh-?" I glanced up at Crale hesitantly.

"Useless bitch." He translated calmly, but his eyes burned with hatred to the bird like figure.

"Talon, calm yourself." demands Kyle calmly.

"What, it's true, and it's not like they can understand me! After all, they are just rokta shtee's."

"Mindless fools," Crale whispered.

"That's so untrue!" Fix whined.

"Of course I'm going to believe the outcast."

Fix's eyes widened, beginning to shine with tears.

"Okay, okay, just calm-" Wisdom begins.

"Don't tell me what to do!"

My eyes wander down the line of Guardians and I notice a dark figure, who I know now as Torra, begins to fall deeper into the night, disappearing. Flight takes a few cautious steps back. Fear is starring off into space, tuning out the surrounding argument. Fix is too busy balling his eyes out to even partake in the conversation any longer.

"I'm sorry, are you jealous of us?" sasses Stealth

"Why would I be-"

"We're defect free!" she smiles matter-of-factly.

All becomes silent.

Torra reappears, Flight back in place. Fear is back from his daze. All eyes are on Talon. Even Fix has ceased his crying to stare.

"What?" Talon mutters sheepishly.

The eyes dart to Stealth. "You heard me, you're jealous of us, all of us, with the exception of Fix, because we're defect free."

"Wh -- uh --" she stutters nervously. Her eyes fall to the ground.

"You okay now?" Kyle asks curiously.

"Yeah," her eyes flash to Rebecca who wears a blank expression. "Sorry."

"It's alright." She half smiles.

We all are silent for a long while, exchanging awkward glances. Crale holds me closer to him and I rest my head against him, closing my eyes. His breath is steady, heart beat calming and familiar. I fade off into a gentle rest, a subtle daydream almost.

I'm awoken when I feel a hand on my shoulder. My eyes open lazily. "What?" I ask Crale tiresomely.

He gestures behind me and I turn my head around to find Stealth standing behind me with a soft smile. "It's time."


She begins to turn away. "We'll be leaving in five minutes. I'll let you say your goodbyes." she begins to walk further down the shore. "I'll meet you at the pod when you're ready for departure." And with that, she melts into a mist.

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