Chapter Thirteen: Chris and Miss Memory Loss

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His expression changed immediately into panicked and worried. "Who- who am I?"

I nod and shake his hand off of mine. I swiped his hand off my back and stared at him, befuddled.

"Please tell me you're just kidding."

I shake my head. "I seriously don't know who the hell you are."

His expression becomes distorted in pain and his eyes begin to glisten with tears. "What the hell is going on here?" he cuffs his hands in his face.

I just stare at him, confused. "Uh," What else am I supposed to do?

It's silent for a while.

I hear a faint buzz. He doesn't seem to notice until the calico cat at the end of the bed meows loudly.

"Okay, who's cat is that? Is it yours?"

He lifts his head, a hopeless expression on his face. "So you don't remember Julie either, huh?"

I shake my head.

"Do you at least remember your name?"

I shake my head again.

"Do you remember anything?" he asks, the doubt evident in his eyes.

I pause. "In all honesty, no."

"Try, just try." he begs. I can tell he's thirsting to give up, but a small portion of him is determined to get me (whoever I am) to remember.

As odd as this sounds, when I concentrated on my past, nothing was there. All I see (or better yet, imagine) is black, emptiness, nothing. I suddenly feel panicked. I stand up suddenly and begin rubbing my temples. I pace the room, frantically. "Nothing, there's nothing! I could be wrong but don't people usually have a past with memories?"

He nods, standing up and starring at me, his expression more confused than painful. "Why, what's-"

"Nothing, there's nothing there!" I whine. The cat jumps off of the bed and begins meowing loudly. We ignore her and she sprints out of the room.

"Okay, that makes no sense."

"I've kind of already made that connection. If you haven't already noticed, that's why I'm pacing!"

He sighs. "Even without your memory, you're still as high strung as she is."  As negative as this comment is, he says it with a reassured smile as if even the memory of who I am, or at least was, brought joy to him.

However, I took it as an insult. "Well, I'm sorry. If you woke up screaming with a hot guy next to you, touching you, and you don't remember anything you'd be panicked too." I beam, talking with my hands, making my gestures obvious and dramatic. I stopped in front of him, my pulse racing, my breath sharp and quick.

"Sorry, but I didn't mean it to be an insult, I was just- you hear that?"

I pause. "Hear what, my pulse or the buzzing?"

"The buzzing,"

We are silent, listening to the buzzing sound crescendo slowly. The stairs creek and our eyes dart to the door. My heart quickens and I feel the panic almost explode outwards inside of me.

I see a tiny, cream paw splashed with a soft orange. A tiny pink nose sneaks out and within seconds the calico cat is at the mans feet, looking up at him, meowing loudly with a yellow/gold envelope in its mouth. I stare, dumbfounded.


"It's okay, don't worry."

He reaches down and grabs the envelope out of the cats mouth. He slides his finger under the hood but when he tries to open it, nothing happens. The cat runs over to me and meows again. The man stops his struggle and looks at me. A smile starts on his face.

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