Chapter Twenty-One: Silence Doesn't Talk

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It felt like minutes since I've seen the light, hours even, days. Weeks since I've spoken, months, maybe years. I've been trapped in this darkness for what seems like forever. Here alone, in the dark. No dreams come, no voices. It's void of all life, all colors, all voices. Just an empty tunnel of nothing.

Staring at the walls of complete darkness for what seems to be a lifetime makes me feel completely blind. I start to believe that I'm going insane which I begin to see a faint light far off in the distance.

It's just your imagination. I tell myself. But the longer I stare, the more than I begin to doubt it.

It starts to near, slow at first, quicker as it comes. I stare, not caring really. It's just a white light in a tunnel of void. What's new.

With time it swallows me, leaving me in complete light. White to my right, to my left, above and below. White.

But that too fades, but not into the void, into an actual dream. Finally, I will be lonely no more.

My surrounding fade into a blurry image, but as it clears, I begin to make it out.

It's a disturbing image for sure, yet part of me loves it. It's Mark, yet this has come to no surprise for me. I've seen him almost everyday now, in fact, it's kind of become a routine. Wake up, eat, shower, eat, sleep, Mark, similar to my old routine, just with an added task.

But it's not the person that disturbs me, it's the entire picture.

I remember the setting from a precious image. The sky a deep blue, the trees shiloeted against the dark sky, the moon high in the sky, shinning like a glistening diamond. A crystal lake shimmers as the moons reflection dances on its surface. A single water lily floats near the banks.

Crale stands near the lake, expression hard. His eyes are alive with joyous revenge, burning with gleeful wrath. The corners of his mouth curve up, trying to hide a devilish grin. He stands tall, his arms hang at his sides, hands clenched and bathed in blood. He stares down at this mangled, disfigured body. Even in its distorted condition, I know it's Mark.

The image blurs away and I return to the darkness.

* * *

It seems like forever until I finally open my eyes. They lazily open to a fuzzy blur of blue. It takes a while until the image clears.

A soft blue spreads across the sky, small wisps of white scattered across it. A small sliver of moon is set a little to the right.

I sit up, only to get a head rush. I hold my head till it fades away.

I open my eyes again to find myself in a field. The grass around me tall and thin, flowing in waves around me. The tips of the small, green blades tickle my skin.

I sit up, relieing on my arms to keep me up. My knees are bent, feet flat on the grass in front of me. My hands rest on the soft grass behind me, my elbows locked.

My eyes trail down to find myself in black denim short shorts on top of black fish net tights that cut off at my ankles, my feet bare, and a thin black top, but the shirt seems slightly more than just that. The bottom layer is like a black tub top, similar to my swim top, but with sleeves that don't quite reach my shoulders. The top layer is all fish net black. Starting from the sleeve of the bottom layer, it travels down my arms to my hands where it becomes a glove. It covers my shoulders and my stomach, stopping at my jaw it seems, like a built in full neck choker. My hair also seems different. Instead of cutting off at the top of my shoulders, it cuts off just below the breast line. No longer are my bangs a straight cut, but a sidesweept. Usually, I'd hate having long hair, but now that I see what it's like, I kind of like it.

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