Chapter Eleven: Three Letters From Guardians

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Authors Note: Thank you so much for reading it this far! It means a lot to have people like my work. :) Okay, so a few things before we continue on with the story. Last night, I posted chapter ten. Thing is, I forgot I didn't finish typing it. You may want to go back and read the last portion since I just added on the missing parts. Next, there are at least two songs in this chapter and there are more to come in those that follow. I've been feeling very musical lately so what I'll do is I'll quote the lyrics then post the URL to the song so you can hear what it sounds like. They do sort of correspond with the story, but only a few do. My suggestion, if you've never heard the songs, copy and paste the URL in a new tab and listen to it. Plus, the original band that performs the songs are AMAZING and our either my #1 or my #2 favorites of all time.

Besides that, the plot is really picking up and so well, without further to do, Chapter Eleven, Three Letters From Guardians.

Oh, and for the record this is NOT an autobiography. Besides Renee (Inspired by my sister), there is no relation to my life or anyone I know. If your name happens to be in here and I know you, it is not based off of you. (The only reason I say this is because some people at my school kept giving me crap about it and I just wanted to say that to get it out of the way).

The picture on this side is the closest to what I imagine to be Joe. (Animation)

Okay, now you can get back to the story. :) Enjoy!

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"What!?" They all looked frozen in shock, (don't worry, they aren't).

"What!" Renee runs up and grabs the letter. "Where's the breath taking font?"

"Well, it did take your breath away." Joe snickered.

Renee shot him a glare and he turned away in fright.

"Renee, maybe it only shows when I'm alone?" I suggested.

"You're right," she hands the letter to Chris. "That- that must be it," she backed away, hands in the air, palms facing us as if we were going to arrest her. "So," she faints.

"Don't worry," Mathew walks up to her and picks her up by her waist. "She faints sometimes. We'll be going back to the apartment now." He throws her over his shoulder and whistles. "Wisdom, Fear, we're going!" Wisdom trots in from the kitchen, Fear behind her. Mathew lays Renee on Wisdom's back and climbs on top of Fear. "Mind if we take the back way?" Renee shakes her head and Mathew leaves through the back door.

Jessica yawns and stretches then pulls the blanket back. "I should probably head back, too. Martha will start to worry if I'm not back by Tuesday. Joe, give me a ride?"

Joe smiles and they hop off the couch. They walk out the front door, hand in hand, Slick and Ivy on them. (Slick on his shoulder, Ivy around her neck.)

Rebecca and Derick turn their attention to us. "If you'd like to stay, you can. I have another room with a double bed if you'd like, since the room you guys were in needs cleaning."

I share a look with Chris and I hop off of his lap. "I think we'll go, besides, if it's just the two of you, you'll be cleaning that room for months." I laughed, "Sorry about that."

Rebecca smiles. "Oh, don't be. It wasn't your fault. Besides-"

"We've got friends." Derick holds out his arm and whistles. Fix leaps on his shoulder, Talon lands on his arm. "Don't worry about us, we'll be just fine."

They give us a warm smile.

"Well, in that case," Chris stands up, "Julie! Mask!" he calls.

Julie bounds to me and leaps on my shoulder. (I don't even have to crouch.) Mask runs behind her and stops next to Chris. He pats his head.

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