Chapter Twenty-Nine: Casualty Count

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A.N. Thanks for waiting. Just wanted to let you all know that I've decided that it is probably hard to follow which room is which in Neimock. So, to help you all out, I've decided to create a list of the rooms with a small description. While reading, you may be confused what I'm talking about but let's just say I'm too lazy to change everything so I'll just tell you what I was originally going to do.

Originally, I was going to change all of the Latin words into their translation in English. However, as I was doing this, I realized that I liked most of them. So, there you have it. 

Now for the list:

Gymnasium = Gymnasium [Simple as that]

The Collum = The Collum [Think of columns, sound the same, just spelled different]

Saltus = (It's supposed to be woods, but I like the name, so I'm keeping it that way. It's only one Latin room to remember, relax, it's not like I'm asking you to tell me the exact distance from the sun to the moon in millimeters.) Saltus [Again, refer to the note ahead... Think of Saltus = Trees. That's how I remember]

The Dome = The Dome [Room shaped like a dome]

Coagmentatum = (Okay, I'm sorry, but this one too because it's sounds similar to Cemented, which is what it translates to. Don't hate me.) Coagmentatum [Both start with C. Think Coagmentatum = Cemented]

Aperta Pratum = [It's Latin for Open Prairie. Think of it this way. Open Prairie is two words, as if Aperta Pratum. Just remember it that way.]

Spatium Scientia = [Space of Knowledge, think Space starts with S as does the Latin translation]

Ascivitis = [Latin for Lounge. It's the only single word with an A, that's all I can think of to remember. Last room, in short is a Lounge]

I know that was basically pointless but oh well. Anyway, if you find any typo's or have any advice, please comment.

Reminder: I'm still looking for editors. Comment if you are intrested.

Don't forget to vote if you like it!

-Katclub8 (A.K.A. Demetra)


Fire. Fire. Everywhere is fire. Melody seems to have more courage than I for she stands. I look up at her, my expression scared. She looks down at me.

"Casualty count?" she holds out her hand. I can see that she is struggling to hold back tears. I take it, standing. I don't release my hold.

We begin to walk, but we don't get very far, for she starts moaning in pain.

"You alright?" I stop, turning to face her.

"Yeah, just," her free hand lays flat on her back. I give her a concerned look, then let go of her hand, making my way around her. She sighs as I cautiously unzip her outfit. I cringe the further I pull it down. All along her back, especially nearer to her spine, is this thick line of black and purple. Some parts are even bleeding. "What is it?"

"I'm so sorry," I clasp my hand over my mouth, my eyes wet with the threat of tears.

"Wait, what is it?"

"I'm sorry," is all I can manage.

She reaches back to close the zipper but ends up screaming in agony.

"Don't," I beg. "Stay here, I'll go get Fix."

"Hurry please," she calls out as I run through a wall of black smoke.

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