Chapter Nineteen: Anything For You

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I stare at her, mouth hung open, eyes wide, disbelief written all over my face. "What?!" I stand, utterly in shock. "What?!"

"Oh come on, you've killed him how many times? Is it two?"

I nod, still not willing to admit she could be right.

"Okay, so you've killed him twice, yet he's still alive."

"He's not -- alive," I fail at denying myself.

"Oh really, you said yourself at least a million times that he's still alive."

"A million? Now that, my friend, is some serious exaggeration." I fold my arms across my chest.

"Oh whatever!" she rolls her eyes. "But really," her expression softens. "can you honestly tell me that not one portion of you, even one thought that says that that could be true?"

I'm about to speak but I stop. Can I honestly say that I don't believe that through and through? It scares me that I even have to consider it being a possibility. I sit down, staring at the floor. "Well, I guess it could be a possibility." my voice is soft, quiet, almost as a mouse. I quickly glance up at her, but instead of a victorious smile on her face, she wears an expression of sorrow and repent.

"Well, I also could be wrong." she tries to comfort.

"But it's something! Okay, pretend you're right, then we have our reason of why he's here!"

She sighs. "Well, has he appeared in any of you're dreams?"

I stop. "Well, uh, yes." I mutter out, tone cowardice.

"Like, repeatedly?"

I nod. "Now that I think about it, when I saw him last in my dreams, there was a hint of affection in his eyes."

She stands. "Then there's your answer."

Our heads turn as Crale enters the room.

"Hey, everything alright in here?" he asks wearily. His eyes stop on me. "You okay?" he walks over to the bed, sitting next to me.

"Yeah, sure." I lower my head as a single tear runs down the side of my face.

He tilts my head up with the tip of his finger. "Then why are you crying?"

It hurts me, how he looks so concerned, yet I know if I tell him about Mark it'll just hurt him. And I don't want that.

I wipe the tear away with the side of my hand. "It's nothing."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's nothing."

He's silent for a while, deep in thought. "Alright, I believe you."

I give him a half smile.

"Hey, uh, aren't you guys supposed to be on your way to Rebecca's by now?" Joe pokes his head around the door.

Crale still has that concerned look in his eyes. He sighs before standing. "You ready to go?"

I nod, standing unsteadily. I stumble forward but catch my balance before running into him or the floor.


We say our goodbyes rather quickly before leaving with our bags, Julie and Mask happily trailing behind.

I'm at the car before he has even left the front door. He leaves with a nod, the door closing, and runs over to me. I catch his gaze as he buckles himself in.

"You okay?" I ask as he cautiously starts the car.

"Yeah, I'm fine." he mumbles

Just by the tone of his voice, I could tell it was best not to say anything.

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