Chapter Seven: Suicidal Thoughts

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Th picture to the side is the closest to what I imagine to be Rebecca (Animation)


The room was silent for a long moment, five minutes absent of words, maybe. Well, the expression on Chris's face spoke for itself.

He was staring at me, his eyes deep in thought, starring in mine. I knew what he was doing, he wanted to give me the most honest answer. At first, he seemed so eager to reply he would explode if he didn't say it, but after a short moment, he became deep in thought. He couldn't live with himself if he told me something not 100% true to his soul and heart.

After what seemed to be forever, he finally spoke, the tone holding this factor that seemed to just -it held this factor of certainty. I knew that whatever he said was so true, even if his life span was determined by his honesty he would be immortal. No longer would this pain haunt over me like some pet rain cloud hovering over my head.

"I speak from the soul. I've swam in the depths of me for what seems to be forever and with every string I've pulled, not one dared to go against the others, no matter how much it hated the others, it proved true to its honesty. Every sign agrees with each other." He stopped and took a breath of air. "I just have one thing to ask you. Whatever I answer, I don't want it to effect how you feel about me. Please, promise me you'll be honest with me." he paused "I guess it's not a question but, just please promise me that."

I nodded, reluctant about hearing his answer.

"And you won't change how you feel about me?"

I nodded again. These were both very easy promises to keep, but I wondered why he was so scared to tell me his answer.

He closed his eyes and sighed heavily, the silence hurting me almost.

"Will you tell me already?" I asked, the silence weighing me down.

He gave a small laugh then opened his eyes. "I'd hang myself if you died. I do in fact, love you, Melody. Not anyone else. No matter how crazy that may seem, I do."

I smiled and leaned in towards him and he gladly welcomed me into a hug. "So I'm not alone after all."

"What do you mean?"

(Just a heads up, the next part is why it's under the Romance novels. Don't give me crap about it please. Promise, the plot is starting to pick up.)

I dare do this, but the adrenaline was already tempting me to, every nerve in my body pleading me to, every bone, muscle begging me to go forth with it and let the want guide me. All against my common sense, and all won.

I lean away slightly, a single inch away from his perfect face. Slightly tilting my head to the left, I lean in slowly, pausing just to let out breaths mingle with each other. His warm breath pleasant against my cool breath, it in itself making everything within me tense with pleasure. So tense, I was frozen. This was enough to stop me from moving even my eyes open. I was stuck sitting on his lap, eyes closed, arms around his neck, mouth slightly open, nearly touching his perfect, warm lips. But I was happier not than ever before in my life. His arms move to my back and another wave of pleasure washes over me. If I had to be stuck frozen forever at any time, I'm glad it was now.

He allows for only a minute of this. A minute of silence, a minute of me on his lap, arms around each other, lips only half a centimeter apart.

The moment our lips meet my eyes shoot open, my body almost jumping, but this only lasts for a second, and my body becomes completely relaxed, my eyes closing, and I fall into him. I lie against him, his body warm against my own. I can taste how sweet his lips are, feel how warm his breath is. I can even feel the delight crawling through me at the touch of his skin, the tip of his tongue sweet on my own. His fingers dance on my back, his lips move with no hesitation. Everything he does is so natural, it seems. There is no hint of reluctance, no sign of second guesses, it's all perfect.

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