28.First Day

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Parker P.O.V

4 Months Later

I stood next to my dad who was watching the game on my phone as I fixed my bow tie.

"Honey he's getting married and you're watching football." My mom said making my dad look up.

"He's getting married that means she's in our family now, we are going to see them till I die." He said back to her and I thought of Harper. 

We didn't get married as quickly as we wanted but the case drug on too long. I mean I guess stuff like that would take a while but it killed me every day that she didn't have my last name. I haven't seen her since yesterday and I stood, wanting to walk to her but I was stopped before I could.

"We need to fix your bow tie sweetheart." My mom said grabbing me just as Harper dad walked in.

"How's everything going?" He said looking at me with a smile and my dad smiled at him.

The two of them started to talk, and my mom just looked at me till I noticed and smiled at her acting weird.

"Yeah, mom?" I asked her and I noticed the tears.

"Don't cry, mom," I said pulling her into a hug.

"I'm just so happy for you, you found love and someone that really loves you. You have always been so impressive but she is the most impressive thing you have done." She said and I held back my tears from her words.

"Thank you, mom," I replied kissing her cheek.

"Oh it's 9:15 I better go check on Harper and your sisters, and all the other girls with her." She said walking out and I could only imagine the pain she is in with all of my cousins, Jill, and her friends.

Harper P.O.V

I was sick as hell of these little girls asking me 2 million questions about Harry Styles, or Brad Pitt. I looked at the clock and 10:00 couldn't come soon enough, I was ready to just get married. I'm not getting cold feet but I'm just nervous, and I don't know why. I stood walking to the door but I was stopped by Jill.

"Sister, where are you going?" She asked me.

"I need air, cover for me while I run to the limo," I said and she nodded excitedly to me.

I walked out feeling like the room was small around me, and damn it I know why I felt like this. I was sweating like crazy, and I felt heavy around my hips. I need to get outside and get some fresh air. I started to walk again and my heel caught on the bottom of my dress and the loud ripping sound almost killed my heart. I spun around looking at half of my ass out, and my dressed ripped from my butt in the back.

"No." i said starting to cry and try and pull it up.

"Harper." The beautiful voice of my soon to be husband hit my ear but I didn't look up.

"My dress is ripped, I ripped my dress," I said still trying to put it together like it would really work.

"Harper." He said in a soft voice as he got closer.

"I have to fix my dress," I said still not looking at him, with tears in my eyes, as I felt my dress ripping more because of my pulling.

"Harper stop," Parker said grabbing my hands and he made me look at him, making me cry more.

"What's wrong, you can fix it but this is making things worse, it's just a dress baby." He said and I felt the lava coming out of my volcano and he saw it too.

I started walking holding my dress, and as soon as I saw people I started to run. I didn't want anyone to see my fucked up dress or my now running makeup, or my ass. I could hear Parker running behind me as I made it outside and saw the limo driver smoke weed, so I just got into the back. 

"Harper, what the hell is going on?" Parker asked me getting into the car and I was pissed at him now too.

"What's wrong, I'll tell you whats wrong. I had the worst bachelorette party, because the one friend I had stabbed me in the back, so I hung out with teenagers, and interns to scared to talk to me. I worked for months on my dress, everything I had stitched, and I got to fat to even fit into it, so I forced myself into a dress that ripping. There's no way I can fix it now, and I have to watch you walk around here looking perfect, still in shape and tux still looks amazing. Top but I icing on the cake this morning I found out that I'm pregnant." I said still crying looking at Parker.

"You're pregnant!" He said excited and it only made me duck my head down and cry more making red and black marks on the white dress.

"Yes, and everything is going to change, our lives, our relationship, my work, your work, my shape, and weight. I just wanted this one day, this one time in my life to be right, and it's not. I just wanted my dress to fit and be right, I just wanted my dress and I didn't care about anything else." I said and I heard Parker laugh.

He got out the limo and I followed behind him still holding my dress as he walked over to grass certainly getting watered. I ran around in the sprinklers like a child, and stopped and looked at me.

"Parker stop," I said forcing myself not to smile at him.

He looked around and spotted the flowers lined around the church, and ran over to them and fell down and rolled around in the dirt like a pig, making me smile. He was covered in mud, with green stains on the tux and his white shirt just as bad.

"Now let's get married." He said offering me is hand, and I took it making mud splash on me.

I held up the back of my ripped dress, covered in makeup and now mud as we walked in. Everyone looked at us since we are 20 minutes late, and dirty but no one said anything just looked at us.

"Are you to ready?" The pastor asked looking at us with a confused look.

"Yes they are, I'm missing the damn game for this." My new second dad yelled out making everyone laugh.

The pastor started to talk, but I could see it in Parker's eyes he wanted it to go faster and honestly I did too.

"Let's skip to the I do part," I said to him and he nodded.

"Do you Harper.." I cut him off.

"I super duper do!" I said and before he could even ask Parker he kissed me.

"I super stupid duper do." He said out loud and everyone yelled.

"Thank you for marrying me," I said to him and he smiled.

"No, thank you for loving me." He replied kissing me again.

He might not know it now, but from the day he dropped coffee on me, I was waiting for this day. I was begging for mercy more than he was, and I'm happy he never gave up on me when I gave up on him. So thank you.

The End

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