gotcha back, babe {shield request}

Start from the beginning

    "Woah, hot shot. Big date? You're not done here. Trips wants more heat on this Mandy thing."

"Nia, please? Will you be my partner next week? Tweet about it, find Charlie, cut it, let Mandy in on it? I owe you all so much but Nia, pleaaaassseee let me go? Just this one time? We'll train so hard tomorrow morning." I begged and hugged her tight.

    "What has gotten into you?" She just laughed.

"Nia, Seth Rollins is waiting on me right now and if I'm reading this right, he's into me and I would like for him to eventually be in me, sooo I don't want to keep him waiting, yanno?" 

    "You had me at Seth, go get em tiger. Be safe, text me later."

"I'll see you, I love you!!" 

     "I love you." She chuckled as I bolted out the lockeroom, only slowing down when I knew he could see me.

"Hey, there you are. I was starting to think you bailed on me." He smiled, man that was a nice smile, shit Anna. Go back to playing it cool.

    "Nia caught me and we had to go over our game plan for Absolution." I said it all a little too fast.

"Ah, I love Nia. She's so funny. So, what's the game plan?" Shit, I hadn't thought this far ahead.  We were outside now, and the way the wind blew tiny pieces of his hair in his face made me lose any rational lie I could have told.

   "You. We were talking about you."

"What?" He chuckled.

    "Yeah. I like you, I think you're the hottest guy here and your eyes are really nice. I love the way you wrestle and I think you're funny. I've seen every UPUPDOWNDOWN video you're in two more times than I've seen the rest and I know I can beat you at Maden." I stopped walking and smiled in this dumbfounded kind of way, everything I had just said felt natural. 

"You wanna test that theory?" He chuckled.

   "Bet." He held open the car door and I jumped in. He drove to the hotel as we blasted ADTR a little too loud with a little too much singing. I had actually known him for three hours and I had never been more comfortable with another person in my whole life.  

We made it upstairs and Seth threw me a controller, "ready?" He smiled then threw his down, taking his shirt off in one quick sweep. 

    "Woah, bud. I didn't come prepared for that kind of gaming, yanno?"

"No, not like that, at all. I'm so sorry." He just erupted in laughter, "I like to be comfortable when I play. Just chill, yanno? Clothes kinda suck."

     "Hard agree." I unzipped my hoodie and threw it next to his shirt. 

"You want a tshirt and a pair of shorts? I've got these brand new workout shorts?" 

   "Toss 'em." Why did this feel so natural? What the hell are we doing? I couldn't help but to shake my head and chuckle at what was happening. He went to the bathroom and I changed right there in the room, throwing my hair up in a bun and climbing on the bed to wait for him. 

He came back in wearing only a pair of basketball shorts, with the waistband of his compression shorts just barely visible. For the first time of us being together, I let my thoughts wander. "Earth to Anna?" He laughed, tossing me a bottle of water. The next four hours were spent with me proving I was better than him at Madden and a lot of laughing. 

   "I should probably get going, I promised Nia we would work out in the morning. I can change before I leave? Or wash them for you? Or?" 

"You're fine. You're on the fifth floor right? I'll walk with you, just so yanno..." 

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