Chapter 35

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She locked the doors before I could get out and took off towards her house. "It's already been taken care of. Red, Blade, and Alex had cleaned up and sent lover boy over here to you. He could feel the pain you were in." Fear also seemed to leak from her voice as she spoke. It seemed everyone was scared of these things and I understood why.

"Oh, how many did we lose?" A pained expression crossed over Tyler's face. "A quarter of the pack. It's excluding the other packs they had to cross to get to us." He swallowed the anger before he spoke again. "I have already sent all civilian wolfs back to the supernatural realm and those that can fight are moving into or close to the castle. The other packs are doing the same."

It was a smart move and we should have done it sooner. For some reason, the enemy didn't dare set foot in the supernatural realm. I didn't really care either seeing as it provided the protection we needed. "So where are we going?" if they were moving into the castle then why were we leaving it?

"To my place. Red had packed all your stuff and it's on its way but there is something Tyler needs to see." She sighed frustrated at the whole situation. "Okay as long as I get to eat." I mumbled.

Red was already waiting outside for his brother. As soon as he was out the car they took off to the forest. Sasha and I went inside and she cut up some raw meat for me. "Where are your parents?" she let out a groan. "They are at the castle helping with the clean-up. They said they wanted to be helpful."

That didn't seem bad. I shrugged my shoulders at her and ate my food. I wanted to get as much food in my stomach before it decided to eat itself. She was packing all of her things and I helped her. The silence that settled over us was an unbearable one but we didn't want to break it.

Breaking it would be like breaking glass and then putting it back together. It would never be the same again. It sounded silly but sometimes you needed something uncomfortable in order to feel comfortable. Talking would just increase the already crippling anxiety.

Instead, we left each other to their own thoughts while we waited for the boys to come back. We were done an hour later and they still haven't returned. We sat on the couches with the TV on but we didn't focus on what was going on. Sasha suddenly took my hand and put it on her stomach.

I kept my hand there and I felt something move against my hand. The little guy was kicking. I smiled at this and then we both started giggling for no reason. "So I was thinking of having the baby shower earlier next year before everyone is off fighting a war."

It made me smile at her in sympathy. Once the fighting really starts Red will be away and she at home looking after their baby. "Okay. We can do that." It would frustrate her to no end sitting at home doing nothing. Even if she wasn't a good fighter she could hold her own very well.

The only thing that would put her mind at ease is the bond between her and Red that they shared, reassuring her that he was still alive. We both fell into a somber mood knowing how close the war was.

The boys returned bringing us out of our funk. "So what did you find?" they dismissed what they saw. "It was animals that were so scared that they ran into trees." It sounded horrible. "And you think it's nothing to worry about." I was upset at the fact.

"It's due to the number of souls that was here. Remember they install fear and some animals get blinded by it that they run into things." He ran his hand through his hair and drank some water. "Come on are you girls done here? We need to go."

We shook our heads and loaded the car up and went back to the castle. They went to settle into their room while Tyler looked over the reports. I left him alone and walked through the castle to see where I could help.

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