Chapter 33

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I decided I would drag out preparing the food as long as possible. "Okay. Are you going to see your side of the family like you planned tomorrow?"

"Of course I am. My brother will disown me if I didn't show up after he came all this way." I wanted to meet her family but she says that they were worse than her in-laws and wanted me to stay away until they accepted me.

"I would rather spend the day with you though. My family will drill as many answers out of me about our son." She was very annoyed with all the questions she got from strangers, so I would think that family would be worse.

"Why not just tell them not to ask anything?" She looked at me as if I had grown a second head. "It would be like talking to a deaf animal!" I think she was exaggerating. She does with everything else so why not this?

"I don't believe you but whatever." I set the food in the oven. "This is not like everything else I talk about. This is my family and their standards are high. Some don't even live on earth!"

I just gave her a look that I still didn't believe her. "What about yours? When are you seeing them?" The question had brought my mood down a bit. "I don't know. I did offer to buy the tickets but they declined."

"That's weird. Most people would jump at the opportunity for a free ticket." I silently agreed. It made me wonder if they had something planned.

"Hey stop what you are doing and hurry up. I want to open presents." She caught on to what I was doing and wiggled her eyebrows. I whined and finished up. I really wasn't looking forward to this.

After the food was busy cooking I got out some rubbish bags while Sasha called everyone to come and sit. I sat as far from the tree as possible. I did not want to be the center of attention amongst them.

We started opening and it wasn't so bad and I even though that Sasha and Blade were going to be serious for once. I was wrong.

The very last presents that were given were worse than sexy underwear. Sasha and Blade had coordinated with each other. I threw away mine while Alex kept his and collected the rest.

I lifted my brow at him in question. "I have a friend that would love these." They weren't toys for adults but they were almost as embarrassing. I got up to check on the food just so that I could get out of this awkward situation.

Tyler followed me into the kitchen. "Food should be done soon." He hugged me from behind and hummed his response. I turned around in his arms.

"I think we should do Christmas with my family next year." I ran my hand through his hair and rested it behind his neck. "I've had two of them with Sasha and I don't want another."

We were talking softly and just enjoying the moment with each other. "It wasn't always like this. Before her, we would have real family days. We would all go to one place and sleep over. Then we had an entire day and a half with family." It sounded pretty nice and normal. "We didn't have anything planned except for dinner."

"I'm sure you miss those days." He cocked his head agreeing. "Yeah. They did have their moments but nothing as bad as this." I giggled at the thought of what could happen. "Yeah tell me one." He thought of a memory and then laughed at the thought of it.

"It was the year before I got crowned. The whole Santa thing was bigger than it is today and Alex wanted to be Santa that year. We were sitting in the living room waiting to get to the main event and Alex was nowhere to be seen. The next moment some stones came down the chimney and then Alex's feet popped out a few centimeters off the ground."

He had to pause so that he could finish laughing. "He had the bright idea of sliding down the chimney like in the stories. The only problem was he got stuck. We spend the day trying to get him out of the damn thing. I don't remember if we got to ever opening presents." It must have been a sight to see. "Wait why the whole day?

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