Chapter 20

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The next day I was all healed up and I decided I would join training. Miranda also decided to follow me all the way to the training fields to get a glimpse of Tyler sweaty body.

She hasn't been here long and she was already getting on my last nerve. So I had channeled it into training. The guys were really getting it from me. They complained that I was using them as a let out.

Tyler then took his turn with me to teach me a lesson. "What do I get if I win love?" I had opened my big mouth and told him he won't be able to beat me. This had caused it to be a bet.

"Mmm... how about me?" He smiled. "I already have you." He wanted me to say it out loud and that was not going to happen. "You know what I mean!" He chuckled amused at my discomfort.

He did not hold back when he fought me. I was glad he didn't but then again I am pretty sure he wanted me naked underneath him. We had fought for fifteen minutes and I was dripping with the sweat and trying to catch my breath.

He didn't even seem tired. "How are you not tired?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I won." The smile that creped onto his face scared me. "No you didn't I am still standing!"

"I had beaten you more than you beat me." Oh goodness. I wish I had made a bet that countered his. "I will not be collecting on the bet now love. You can relax." But that didn't mean you won't be.

"I have a call waiting for me. Come find me for dinner." He kissed me and ran off. The men in my group came to congratulate me. "You're the only person that ever stayed standing after a fight with him." One of them messed up my hair.

I just had a goofy smile on my face. They had grown fond of me and when Miranda approached they all growled at her. She ignored their warning and stood in front of me arms folded. "You act like one of the men, yet dress like a girl. That's so confusing are you having an identity crisis?"

"Do you have a death wish?" The boys hummed agreeing with my question. "Haha. You think your funny don't you?" She moved to stand in my face. "You are playing a losing game!"

"Are you sure?" I took the last step between us and our noses almost touched "Because from where I stand I am winning."

"Not for long." She turned around and her hair whipped me in my face. What's wrong with me? I wouldn't have done that if I was human I would just keep my mouth shut. But then again a lot has changed in a year and a half and I think the fact I have more raw instincts is one of the causes.

"You okay." I shook my head. "Well do you want to go jump in the lake? It beats having to shower." I would have enjoyed a shower but the cool water of the lake would be refreshing on this scorching day.

Rex and Tyler had said if we graduated together then we will be a team for the rest of our lives. If say a pack needed protecting then we would be sent together to help the pack. It would be rare that we would work alone or be assigned to a different team.

So I was glad that the group I trained with had started to warm up to me. It meant progress, I was getting somewhere within the pack. If I can win their trust I am sure I can win the rest of the packs, it would just take time.

Some recruits were going to go to the academy for further training for different kinds of division. Tyler and Red had worked out the schedule and I must say it looked like these men and women were going to murder them.

So Tyler had decided on going himself. He wanted to make sure the people there were getting the right training for the fight ahead. I was going with him but Red and Sasha were staying behind.

My last year group was going as well to continue training there. Seems Tyler was on a mission to make sure everyone including me could hold our own in a fight.

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