Chapter 29

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I didn't want to start a fight with two pregnant women in the room as I would fail badly. "We could help teach you our ways." I finished with sweeping the floors. "I am not interested in your ways as some of it is very ridicules. I will do things my own way. I have noticed that some of us especially those higher-ups don't blend in, I can help with that."

"Why would a former human want to help us?" I was a little stumped that they didn't believe me. I was a part of this world now and I would be dammed to be caught by the government for being 'different'. If I wanted to protect myself I had to protect those that made up the entire web of my new life even if it did include big headed she-wolves. And if I could save every single person on this earth that deserved to be saved I would.

"Because I am a part of this world and I have seen first-hand what humans would do to us and I don't want to find out if the government got hold of us." They were a little confused but it would all be cleared up tonight. That is if there was something in those heads of theirs. The men all came back sweaty and out of breath. I looked up at the clock and realized it was past noon.

No one tried to approach their mates in their sweat induced state. It was seen as in proper in the class they were under. Except for Tyler, he seemed to have a different opinion on the matter. I started to run around the couches but he quickly caught me, smearing his bodily fluids all over me.

I get it's a natural thing for the body but I did find it a little disgusting. I squeaked and giggled as he kept his hold on me. The men were having a good laugh while the girls looked on in horror. Get used to it girls because I am not changing how I present myself.

I don't know how they have fun or create memories if they were this stuck up all the time. But it wasn't my problem. They probably thought that gossip and spreading rumors were the definition of fun. The men had all gone to get cleaned up. "That's not how a queen should act in front of guests." Was the first sentence to come out of Luna Cassidy's mouth.

The smile of happiness never left my face. "How should one act then?" They thought about the right answer but the oldest one answered. She had a beautiful name I couldn't pronounce. She was probably from Spain or Italy judging from her looks but her voice spoke perfect English.

"With poise and an air of dominance. A queen should be an example to others and the role model for little girls. Not whatever you are doing here." She grimaced at me

I cocked my head to the side. "Yeah, I won't change who I am because that will give everybody the wrong example. In fact, you could do with some training on how to relax a little and have fun and I am not talking about drinking tea and talking about the latest gossip." I heard the one's thoughts seeing as she is not keeping her thought to herself.

She seemed surprised that I knew what she was thinking but I wasn't going to elaborate for her. Tyler heard what was going on when he came down and he silently agreed with me. "What's for lunch love?"

He already had the fridge open. "Yesterday's and today's leftovers." He started to take the tubs out the fridge. "Perfect." He smiled at me and I helped to warm up the food. I was actually surprised at the amount of leftovers there was considering the appetites that were currently in the house.

Everyone else seemed repulsed but it was my house so my rules. I don't waste food and Sasha had gone from not wanting to cook to wanting to cook everything in sight and I was reaping the rewards of it. I haven't had to cook food in three days until now.

The day passed with the girls pointing out everything I did wrong and Tyler being his brooding self and working on some of the issues in the pack. Soon enough Sasha and Red joined us and we were getting ready for the welcoming ball. I had chosen to wear white and Tyler had a diamonds called spider beads registered only for me to wear.

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