Chapter 19

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Tyler released his claws from my neck and I sagged into a heap on the chair. That had taken a lot more energy than I had expected. He was as white as a ghost. He was so pale I almost thought he might faint and I could see the unshed tears in his eyes.

"I understand if you want me imprisoned or dead." Tyler cupped my face "Why would we want that love?" I wanted to cry but I was too tired to do so. "Because of what I did."

"Is that why you are so afraid? That we might hate you?" his brows were creased in question and I shook my head. "I would never let anything happen to you. Weather it was your fault or not but this wasn't you." I was relieved that he didn't hate me. I gave him a weak smile and whispered "Okay."

I heard someone sobbing behind me and I could faintly make out it was the spy girl. I turned around and saw everyone looked the same as Tyler did. He had somehow linked with the people in the room and allowed them to see what he saw in my mind.

"Why do you look so pale?" I asked no one in particular. Tyler brought a glass of water to my lips and I greedily drank the whole thing. "We knew what they did but we have never followed one person before. All we ever saw were hungry people that were being tortured."

"Let's take a break to collect ourselves before we continue, son?" a lady came to stand behind Tyler and she put her hand on his shoulder. He agreed and everyone left except for the lady and the man that came with her.

"Can we have a word with you, alone?" Tyler picked me up and walked to his office but instead of going to his desk he went to the couch and sat down with me in his lap. He looked up at the two people for them to start talking.

The lady huffed when she realized they would have an audience. She started talking but somehow I knew it wasn't what she wanted to say. "Hello dear. I am Anna and this is my husband Allister." I said a small hello and she seemed displeased at that.

"Do you know who we are?" I couldn't think of who they might be so I barely shook my head at them. "You haven't told her who we are?" Tyler shrugged his shoulders as if it wasn't such a big deal. "We are his parents." I had to look carefully with my mind being so foggy but I could see the resemblance. I wonder why I didn't notice it before; even their smell seemed the same.

"Mother if you are not going to address the real issue then I will take her to get some food." He carried me to the kitchen and set me on one of the chairs. "What would you like to eat little love?" I thought about it for a moment. "Anything."

He even made food for his parents. His mother pulled her nose at the food when it was in front of her. Seems I won't be getting along with her anytime soon. The woman seemed as if she walked with a stick up her butt. This made me wonder how Tyler's childhood was growing up.

Sasha came running into the room. She ran over to me and gave me a hug while she cried on my shoulder. Guess Red told her then. "I am so sorry for what you went through. I swear I will kick any body's ass that tries to take you again. My poor baby!"

"Hormones talking?" she shook her head "Yeah. But seriously you should have told me. That's what friends are for right." I had gained back a bit of strength from the food. "With your big mouth? I don't think so." She looked behind her and did a double take.

I have never seen a fake smile on her face before. "Hello, Ms. and Mr. Blakesley. How are you?" Ms. Blakesley or Anna whatever she wanted me to call her gave Sasha a hug. "Hello, darling. How is the baby doing?"

"Red told you?" she forced through her teeth. "Of course dear I am his mother." Sasha looked like she was about to murder someone. Guess she doesn't get along with her in-laws as well. Mr. Blakesley was quiet the whole time.

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