"What if I said I'm in love with you too. Have been for some time and the only reason I haven't said anything was because I was afraid of how you'd react."

"I would say that's what you get for second guessing how I would react. Your probably surprised and probably even more shocked by how I'm reacting. I don't think telling someone you love them requires a big speech. I love you and I instead of telling you I rather show you."

I thought about it and in all honestly she had shown me here and there but I never wanted to pressure her or even read too much into her actions. Things were actually coming along nicely and I felt like only place things could go from here was up. I was in love and that was something I didn't take lightly and I knew Eli didn't either.

Summer was just about over and I've been trying my best to cram everything I had planned for us this summer in the past few weeks. For someone who had lived their whole lives in New York Eli hadn't been to most of any of the places you think she would have. She had been to the top of the Empire State Building and to see the Statue of Liberty but only on field trips growing up.

I made it my mission to do all the things in the city that she was missing out on. From the many different escape room games across the city, arcades, mini golf, paintball, and even a few comedy shows. Could you believe that she never even learned how to ride a bike? I taught her and once she mastered it we went for a bike ride through Central Park and we even went on a carriage ride. Who would have thought that when I first met this girl we would ever be at this point in our relationship?

Today Money was having a Labor day party at his beach house outside of the city so everyone was on there way there. The boys and even Tiffany was coming and bringing MJ. This was the last big party of summer and everyone was ready to end with a bang. I had never been to this beach house of Money's but Eli and the boys had and Eli was driving and since she got her truck it seemed like all the boys loved to ride with her.

We got on the road earlier enough to get to the beach house at a good time and the whole ride Eli, Luke and Geo kept me entertained. Matt and Tiffany drove in their own car since they had the baby. It seemed like everything was looking up except for the question that had been on everyone's minds and that was who ran Eli off the road. I still haven't heard anything and neither has anyone else. I tried to keep it off my mind but one of the reasons why I had been spending so much time with Eli was because I wanted to keep an eye on her and keep her safe.

The boys had been just as nervous as me and Money even hired security to watch her and he's been on the job ever since Eli got out of the hospital. I didn't dare tell Eli that because knowing her she would be adamant about nothing happening to her. Everyone loved her and no one wanted to see her hurt. The boys questioned Eli's ex for a whole day and were sure that he had nothing to do with it. After what they did to him after he hit Eli in the club I don't think he would even have the balls to go anywhere near Eli.

Why she cut her hair so short?

Do she like girls or boys? (Does she like girls or boys?)

Why she cut her hair so short?

Don't you worry about it, just know money ain't short (ain't short)

Why she cut her hair so short? (Why she cut her hair so short?)

Don't know if she like girls or boys

While the boys groaned in the back seat and begged Eli to change the song I smiled at her. For the first half of the ride they were all getting along and rapping to different artists. Then Eli switched it up to r&b and now the boys had been complaining ever since. Instead of listening to the boys she turned up the radio louder and rapped along. This was her favorite song at the moment because she felt like this girl was speaking from her experience.

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