Our punishment given, we were dismissed. We weren't three feet from the office, when Avery sloved me into a wall. "What's your problem Avery!" This dude is crazy! Does he want to get expelled. "At least wait until we're outside before beginning another fight you can't win."

"You and your friends are my problem!" Avery shoved me again. " 'Alexei this, Kya that, Cam's such a, and Lynn's a .' Do you know how annoying it is to here Mara and Ally complain and complient your group!? You four think the world revovles around you!"

"Seriously?" I couldn't believe it, Avery really is crazy. "Nothing revovles around me. Haven't you noticed how many attention all the teachers and students give you. 'Avery's such a great player.' 'They wouldn't have won if it isn't wasn't Avery.' 'You could learn a thing or two from Avery.' I'm sick of being compared to you. Your nothing, but a jerk who bullies and belittles everyone. Coaches favorite who can do no wrong."

Avery's hand curled into a ball, like he was itching for a fight. "Me? Who's mother works here? You don't think I've noticed anything strange with you and your friends? How often has Cam skipped class? No one questions it. And don't give me that lame lie your helping Ms. Tiya."

"I'm done." I began walking away, but Avery jerked my arm back. "What the heck?"

"We're not done." Avery's grip tightened on my arm. "Your going to tell me what you've been hidding."

"Alexei?" Lynn arrived in time to stop me from hurting Avery. "What's going on?"

"Alexei was just about to tell me what your gang's been hiding." Avery's cool blue eyes wouldn't stop staring at us. His gaze was one of determination.

"Drop it." Yanking my arm away, I tried walking away, only for Avery to block me. "Stop Avery, before something happens."

Avery snorted. "You can't harm me."

Lynn stepped between us. "We don't have time for this. Xana's invited several 'friends' to your party. Kya is requesting our presence to keep Cam company." The less then subdly message was clear. Xana has sent monsters to stop Cam. Kya needs us on Lyoko.

"What are you nerds talking about?" Avery looked over Lynn's shoulder, a bit to interested our converation.

"Nothing." Lynn turned to Avery. "We're leaving."

Avery snorted, "Your not going anywhere until you answer me."

Lynn and I shared a look. "Okay." Lynn said, before nodding. We both sprint off in different directions. Our tactic was simple, sereapate and hope Avery doesn't catch either of us. It's serviced us well before. How else would be aviod teachers and other during attacks? Avery isn't the first person to question or be surpuse about us. We'll have to inform Cam and Kya, we can't afford to have anyone discover the manison. Just a bit longer and we'll be able to get rid of Xana for good.


Kya's POV:

"I think that's everyone." Finally finished, the modifications were complete. Cam's directions were differcult to follow, but I managed it get it done. "They should've been here by now." It's been over thirty minutes since I called Lynn. I've called them two more times since then, neither one answered. Cam had managed to remind hidden. Unforturanlly, Xana's monsters weren't giving up.

"We're going to have to figure something out soon if they don't show." Cam said. From the map, it appeared he hasn't moved. "Time's running out."

The elevator opened, revealing an exshuated Lynn and Alexei. Sweat poured down their skin as they walked into the lab. "Before you ask, Avery." Alexei explained. Those four words quickly summed up everything. Avery was being a jerk again, which lead to issues between the three of them. "What's the situation?" Lynn asked, while looking at the screen.

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