My One

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A/N: This chapter will include flashbacks and those will be written in italics, so you can tell the difference between the present and past. I also changed the way his parents met because I hated it and this makes more sense to me now lol. Continue on to the story now :)

Jongin's POV

It's kind of hard for me to imagine what my life would be like if my parents hadn't died. I'd like to think it would all be the same and the only thing that would change is the fact that my kids would have grandparents that are actually alive. I know this kind of defeats the whole purpose of believing in Fate, but I think it's impossible not to wonder what could have been regardless of what you believe in. 

They were barely into their 30s when they died, but even as a child, I could see how in love they were. I remember thinking that if two people could be so in love with each other, Fate had to be real. It was the first time I had ever seen Fate in action. 

They met when they had just entered their 20s, but their relationship was anything but easy. My grandparents, mostly my grandpa, were traditionalists for the most part, which more or less means their philosophy was if it's not broke, don't fix it. They didn't see a need for Fate and believed everyone made their own destiny. This especially applied to relationships. They wanted my dad to end up with a woman from their pack who they had personally picked out for him and Yunho said even though he didn't really want to, he probably would have gone through with it. 

But then he met my mom. Yunho was there with him that day in the park, and he said it was one of the most awkward and beautiful things he had ever witnessed.

"H-Hi," my dad had said as he hesitantly walked up to her. 

My mom smiled back and tried to cover the blush on her cheeks. "Hi," she replied, just as simply and shyly as he did. 

"Would it be creepy if I said you're the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on?" he said next, which made my mom laugh a little and drop her head for a second. 

"Well, considering what just happened a few seconds ago, I would say no, it wouldn't be," she said, shaking her lightly as she smiled brightly. My dad smiled in return. 

"I'm Jongkook," he said, holding out his hand and introducing himself. 

"Inha," she responded. And they smiled at each other for probably about a minute more before finally looking away. 

I only know the stories Yunho told me about them and the few memories I have of stories my parents told me themselves, so I apologize if some of this seems a bit over the top. I guess this is the way I've always imagined it ever since I was old enough to see how in love they were. 

After that first encounter, they would sneak off and see each other whenever they could without my grandparents finding out. They had already mated by this time, too, just in case something did happen, then they figured, they couldn't be kept apart. Hiding their relationship from them seemed easy at first, but the deeper in love my parents fell, the more problematic their situation got. 

One of the pack members saw them during one of their outings one day. Word spread to my grandparents like wildfire after that. 

"How could you let something like this happen?!" my grandpa yelled. "You are a respectable man from a respectable pack, Jongkook! Do you know what this is going to do to my reputation? What do you expect me to Sooyoung's father, huh? You knew we had a plan for you, but you just went right ahead and ignored it."

"Why is it just about your reputation?" my dad replied. "What about me and my feelings? Do you think I planned this, dad, because I didn't. I fell in love with Inha...I imprinted on a great woman, so what does it matter if it was part of your plan or not?"

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