Patience and Control

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Jongin's POV

I was kind of in a trance as I watched him walk in small circles around the same general spot on the floor, cell phone pressed against his ear. A few boxes sat around him, personal things he said he'd get to tomorrow since the majority of his belongings were already unpacked. But all I could focus on was him and the fact that he was standing in my room, not just spending the night but spending his first night as my real-life, live-in boyfriend. We were actually officially living together--in my bedroom for the time being, but still. I was hopeful he'd say yes when I decided to ask, but not that much time had passed since the whole me nearly dying thing, so I was worried he would say it was too much too soon. The fact that he said yes, though, I guess made me wonder if his feelings for me were as deep as mine were for him. No sensible 18-year-old--which he definitely was--would agree to move in with his boyfriend after only officially dating for a month. It made sense to me because of my nature, but probably not to most humans. Then again, though, Kyungsoo wasn't like most humans. 

"Friday afternoon works. I think the only thing left is the furniture since I didn't need to take that with me. Everything else of mine should be out," he said, his voice slightly breaking my fixation. He went quiet again for a few seconds, mostly humming in between whoever was talking on the other line. "Okay, thank you again. Bye." 

"The realtor?" I asked as soon as I saw him hang up and turn his phone off. 

His eyes went wide for a moment as he looked at me, but he relaxed a bit as he exhaled and nodded. "Just finalizing the details for the open house," he replied, rejoining me on the bed. "I have to go back over Friday after school to sign some more papers before the weekend so they can officially put it on the market."

I observed him for a while, noticing the slightly somber look on his face. "You sure you're ready to sell it? We can always hang on to it a little while longer. Hell, I wouldn't mind moving in and getting a little further away from everyone, especially Sehun."

A soft laugh left his mouth as he dropped his gaze lower for a brief second before returning my gaze. "It's not that I'm not ready, I am," he said, tenderly dragging his fingers across the top of my hand. "It's just bittersweet. Despite everything that happened there, it's the only other home I've ever known." There was a pregnant pause before he sighed again. "I just wonder if they would have been okay with me selling the house, you know, my parents and my grandma. I feel like I'm doing the right thing, but I also feel like there's no way to be sure."

"I get that." I let out a breath as well and began rubbing the low of his back. "One of the many side effects of losing your parents so young is never truly knowing if they'd be proud of the person you're becoming. But you said it yourself, they'd want you to be happy and so as long as you're sure this will make you happy, I think it's okay to not worry so much." 

His lips pursed a little as he nodded slowly, clearly still coming to terms with the idea. But he was quick to change the subject when he suddenly smiled at me. "And what about you? Are you happy?" he said. 

I smiled back and nodded. "I'd say so. My only issue currently is that my really hot boyfriend is living with me now, so I'm going to seriously have to work on my patience and self-control," I responded, arms slowly finding their way to his waist as he laughed at me. The sound faded the closer our lips got. 

"Those aren't your strongest qualities, are they?" he said, lips nearly brushing against mine. 

"No, not really." My hands gripped his waist a little tighter as our gazes danced around each other. Then, I tilted my head up to try and capture his lips, only to have him moved his head down and press our foreheads together. I chuckled and smirked. "But as long as you don't tempt me too much, it shouldn't be a problem."

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