After All

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Kyungsoo's POV

Jongin held my hand extra tight as we walked toward the big white tent filled with our wedding guests. There weren't hundreds of them and all of them were people we were pretty well acquainted with, but the thought of being the focus of everyone's attention still made me a little nervous. Thus, in addition to squeezing Jongin's hand for dear life, I took several quiet deep breaths, so by the time we made it inside and everyone stood and began clapping for us, I at least felt slightly calmer. 

Everyone sat back down at their tables after we did, then went back to chatting amongst one another. I took some time to glance around the tent since I hadn't seen the final product yet, and I was truly in awe. As crazy and annoying as he was to deal with, I was grateful for all of the work and effort Baekhyun had put into helping plan and set things up. Jongin began whispering to me about how he couldn't wait to get me alone a few minutes later when we heard the clinking of glass. I blushed a little and bumped his leg with mine under the table as he laughed and rested his arm around my waist. When I looked up and refocused my attention, Suho was just standing up at his spot at the table closest to us when everyone's attention fell on him. 

"Sorry to interrupt everyone, but I just wanted to make a quick toast to the newlyweds before our meal gets served," he said with a faint smile. 

I heard Jongin sigh from beside me. "I knew he'd do this," he mumbled as he tilted his head toward mine. I nudged his leg with mine under the table, silently telling him to shut up and listen through our thoughts. 

Suho lowered his glass of wine closer to his side. "I promise I'll keep it short and sweet since most of you know about my tendency to ramble on and on," he began, already earning a few light chuckles from people. He turned to us and widened his smile a bit. "I've thought about what the right thing to say on such a joyous day like this would be, but the only thing I could really come up with was thank you. D.O, thank you for making Kai the happiest I've seen him in a long time and Kai, thank you for choosing us to share this special moment in your life with." When I glanced over at him, Jongin was smiling faintly and clearly trying to fight back tears. (He told me after the ceremony ended that he refused to cry for the rest of the day.) Suho raised his glass up again before he continued. "I wish you both nothing less than the life of happiness,  fulfillment, and joy that you both so greatly deserve. I love you both. Cheers." 

I smiled at Suho and thanked him after he finished talking. Then, we all raised our glasses before drinking and setting them back down. Baekhyun hadn't mentioned anything about formal speeches, so I wasn't sure if anyone else would speak, but I found the answer soon enough when Jaejoong quickly stood and spoke up. 

"I'd also like to say a few words if that's okay," he said. There were no objections, probably because he was an elder and no one would dare to. Still, he had always been kind to me since I met him, so I looked forward to hearing what he would say. "I just wanted to say how happy I am that you two found each other. Whether you believe in Fate or not, life has a tendency to not always be kind or fair, even to the innocent. But I also believe in balance; that for every bad or unfortunate thing we experience, something--or someone in this case--will come afterward. I've been lucky enough to witness how strong your bond and love each other is, and so I can say with confidence that no matter what life throws at you from now on, you'll be more than capable of handling it together. And lastly, I'm really I could be here to celebrate with both of you on your special day. Okay, I'm done." 

Jongin and I laughed as he batted his hand and sat down next to Yunho again. After no one else stood up for a few seconds, I nudged Jongin. "You should say something," I whispered. 

"Why? I already helped set up my own wedding today, so why do I have to speak at it?" he whined quietly back. 

"Because it would be a nice chance to say thank you early. Just do it," I retorted as I gently pushed him a second time. He stared at me for a long second before growling under his breath and begrudgingly obliging. 

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