Find Your Way

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TW: this chapter contains mentions of extremely dubious consent as well as brief mentions of abortion. Please continue with caution.

Jiyoung's POV

The craziest part to me is the fact that no matter how hard I try, I still can't remember his name. A wild thing to say about the father of your firstborn child, I know, but I genuinely don't. Actually, I can barely remember any of the details of what happened that night. The memory starts with me going to a graduation bonfire party with my brothers and ends with me finding out I was pregnant. Everything in between is blurry and vague, in the way that I can recall striking up a flirtatious conversation with him, but nothing beyond that. What I do remember is the absolute dread and terror that coursed through me as I wondered who I could tell.

My parents were the first people I ruled out. I was barely 18 and had never even imprinted on someone, which was supposed to be the step before getting pregnant. They weren't traditionalist by any means, but they were still my parents and would be horrified to know what I had done. Either that or they'd find the guy and make a bigger mess than I felt I was worth at the time. It was for that reason that I also knew my brothers were out of the question. They'd fight every person with a functioning dick that we graduated with until one of them confessed. There were my older cousins, but I didn't feel close enough to them to reach out and disrupt their lives with my problems. That left the only other person I hoped could understand me: Lily.

"Dude, that's fucking crazy." I don't know why I expected her to have a gentler reaction, to be honest. She turned around in her desk chair and rested her arms on her thighs as she looked at me with wide eyes. "How much alcohol did you drink?"

"Not as more than Daehan or Hyunmin, though Hyunmin couldn't even walk a straight line by the time we left," I replied, mimicking her more hushed voice. "But I only had like three beers. There must have been a lot of wolfsbane laced in there, though, right? There's no other way I'd forget so much."

She chuckled at me and sat back against the chair again. "No shit, Sherlock. They might as well have just served juice boxes otherwise. What else did you expect going to a party thrown by werewolves?"

I rolled my eyes. "I get it, okay? I'm a naive idiot who's too gullible for her own good." I stood up from the bump out in her bay window and started pacing the room. I pushed my hand through my hair. "What am I gonna do? What am I gonna tell my dads? Even if I decide not to keep it, it's not like I can just go and discretely get an abortion without them ever finding out. I can't even keep nice, temporary secrets about like birthday parties."

"That's true. I still haven't forgiven you for spoiling my sixth birthday party," she replied, and I gave her a guilty pout. "Well, I don't know, dude, what do you want to do? I feel like if you figure that out first, then maybe you'll feel more confident telling your parents."

Before I could even open my mouth all of the way, her eyes moved to her open door and widened. "Tell your parents what?" Uncle Soo was in the doorway now, and I suppose both my and Lily's scared expressions didn't help us conceal anything. He visibly but quietly sighed. "Look, all I'm gonna say is if it's anything that will make Baekhyun screech like a tone-deaf bird, leave me out of it."

"Then you should probably leave right now," Lily quickly retorted, but I was already starting to crack under the pressure. I think he could tell because he became more concerned the longer he looked at me. 

"Ji, are you okay? Did something serious happen?" he asked. 

I chuckled nervously, heart racing from inside my chest. "I mean, if you consider having drunk sex and ending up pregnant serious," I blurted out pretty much in one breath. His eyes widened, and I sighed in frustration with myself. "You really need to learn how to shut up, Jiyoung," I muttered under my breath. 

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