Special Cuddle Time

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Jongin's POV

"Why do we have to stay with Uncle Joonie and Uncle Lay again?" Lily asked me as I packed up the last of Jaehyun's things into a diaper bag. I paused, unsure of the age-appropriate way to explain to a six-year-old that her parents needed the house to themselves so they could have a lot of monthly heat sex. 

"You know how appa has a certain time every once and a while when he stays in bed a lot more than usual?" I said, thinking on the spot as I turned around and faced her. She nodded and hummed a little. "Well, sometimes, daddy needs to stay with him, so I can make him feel better and take care of him."

She twisted her head to the side, eyebrows knitting together. "Like how Uncle Lay takes care of sick animals?"

I narrowed my eyes and shook my head, briefly scratching the back of my neck. "Not exactly. He needs a special kind of medicine...the kind that only I-I can give him."

One of her eyebrows raised. "Is it contagious or something?"

I blinked a few times and shook my head for a second time. "No, it's not contagious."

"Then why can't we stay here with you?"

Sighing, I briefly closed my eyes. "Because daddy and I need to have a lot of special... alone...cuddle time, and if we're doing that, then how can we take care of you guys? Besides, I'm sure your uncles have a lot of fun stuff planned for you guys. Your cousins might even come over. You like to play with them, right?"

After a moment of quiet thought, Lily just shrugged. "I guess. Do you think they have good snacks at their house?"

"I'm sure they do. Uncle Joonie told me they were going to the store today, so I can only imagine all of the goodies they got you guys." At that, a small but excited smile came over her face. I smiled back and turned back around, feeling relieved to have avoided that conversation for a little longer. 

I finished getting everything Jaehyun would need together, running down the mental list in my mind once more to be sure I hadn't forgotten anything. Then, I told them it was time to go, prompting Lily to hop off her bed and pick up her own bag before leaving the room. Jaehyun had only recently started walking, so I lifted him up into my arms after I had his bag of things secured on my other arm. Lily was already downstairs, sitting on the small ottoman by the front door putting on her shoes by the time I got far enough down there to see her. 

"Can you grab Jae's shoes for me please?" I asked her as I approached the final step. 

"Uh huh!" she exclaimed, finishing tying her shoelaces before going back over to where the shoes were and grabbing the smallest pair. I was about to set him down so I could put them on, but Lily started doing it instead, the gesture making me smile a little. "There you go, JaeJae." Jaehyun just babbled and shook his feet around, probably already trying to get them off. 

"Okay, are we all ready? Do we have everything?" I said. Lily looked down and around for a moment before looking up at me and nodding. "Then off to Uncle Joonie's we go." I opened the front door, letting Lily walk ahead of me before I stepped outside and closed it. It was only a short walk over to the main house, but I had to tell Lily to slow down a couple of times as she tried to run ahead of Jaehyun and me. Still, she ended up on the front porch before we did, using all the power she had in her small body to knock loudly on the door. 

Joonmyun hyung opened the door and smiled at us. "Look who it is, our special guests of honor," he said, opening his arms for a hug afterward. 

"Hi, Uncle Joonie!" Lily replied as she stepped closer into his arms. She stayed there for a moment before pulling back a little and looking up at him. "Daddy said you had lots of yummy snacks here. Is that true?"

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