For Once

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TW: this story contains brief mentions of past abuse (not graphically), so please read at your own risk.

Tao's POV

I couldn't help but feel nervous, and it had only gotten worse since the pilot announced we'd be landing soon. At that point, I hadn't been back to China since leaving--or escaping, I guess is the better word. I found it kind of ironic; the entire reason I left in the first place was because of people who I dared to think were my family and then I found myself going back however many years later for the same reason. 

Even so, as I exited the airport, I felt a sense of familiarity come over me. Like my body had never forgotten where I came from no matter how much my mind tried to. It was comforting in a way, troubling in others. I was holding onto the handle of my suitcase tightly after I somehow managed to find and grab it rather easily, dragging it behind me as I walked toward the big exit doors. Eunseo had intended of picking me up but called me while I was packing yesterday to say she wouldn't be able to. She was overly apologetic and offered to send someone else to, but I reassured her I'd be able to find my way there. So, once I got a taxi, I just gave the driver the address. 

Admittedly, I did miss that place. I grew up on the country side, surrounded by picturesque views and the raw sounds of nature, things that I always found really calming no matter what I was going through mentally or emotionally. When Eunseo had first moved here a couple of years back, I was happy to hear she and her partner had chosen the country side too. It made for a nice, peaceful drive out to their house and brought back the nice days of my childhood. 

I could already see glimpses of the wedding decor as the driver slowed to a stop in front of their short, gravel driveway, and it made me smile in excitement. The man helped me get by suitcase from the trunk while I secured my other bag on one of my arms, and I thanked him before walking up to the house. It looked just like the picture she had sent me when it was finished being renovated: a small but cozy cottage-like house surrounded by big trees and a garden that was very clearly tended to with lots of love and care. I planned to go knock on the door, but before I could, Chuntao came running toward from the backyard. She still lived with me after officially joining the pack a couple of years ago, but it had been almost a week since I saw her, as she flew out there earlier to help Eunseo with the preparations. 

"Dad, you're here!" she said with her signature bright smile spread across her face. I grunted a little when she all but threw herself into me and hugged me tightly.

"Well, hi to you too," I said with a laugh, doing my best to hug her back while still holding onto my stuff. She pulled back soon after. "I take it the preparations are going well?"

"Since I've been here they have," she replied slightly boastfully. "Noona was still going about her normal business, feeding chickens and milking cows, when I got here. It was like she totally forgot she was getting married."

I laughed gently. "Give your sister a break, honey. I'm sure she's still processing everything."

Chuntao's face softened sympathetically. "Yeah, you're right." 

I caressed the side of her face for a few seconds before exhaling. "Is she inside?"

She glanced back at the house and nodded. "Should be. Last I checked, she was stress baking."

"Good thing I'm hungry then," I joked, getting her to laugh a little before we parted ways. Sure enough, when I opened the front door and called out, the first smell that hit me was that of old-style Shanghai bread. I felt like I was stepping right into a bakery. I set my suitcase and bag down by the door and followed the smell into the kitchen, where I saw Eunseo carefully pulling a fresh loaf of that very bread out of the oven. She had just bent back down to close the oven when she noticed me. 

Moonlight: Stars, Eclipses, & Full MoonsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ