Chapter 30: She Who Stays

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I opened my quivering eyes. I'm no longer in the secret room in the attic, but instead in a familiar place during my childhood. My ears has been filled with shrieks, that's when I realized that the voice was actually mines.

I looked at the girl whose tiny arms were tightly wrapped around my body.

"You shouldn't have come here." said a soft voice from the porch of the cabin.

"What was that?!" A taller man emerged behind her, of course, who else it'll  be. Dylan approached us but Melody and I took a step back automatically.

"Hey, Gabby's practicing his first shot. You shouldn't be here." I raised my eyebrow, the fear was slowly dying when Gabby confirmed it herself.

"Yep, you know, in case of emergency." She said but I know there's something more in it. Gabrille's clothes has stains of fresh blood. I don't whom it was but my young self didn't even bother to ask.

"Why do you have so many blood in your shirt Gabby?" Melody asked, her voice was stable and stiff. Pretty sure one of her side personality suddenly took over.

I suspect it's Mason.

"I-it's from the squirrel Melds. Go on, you must go back, mum and dad must be waiting for you already." Gabby went anxious as her gaze shifted to Dylan. They're keeping something.

"I won't. Unless you let me go inside the cabin." Melody challenged. Wow, I think I'm about to uncover something.

Gabrielle heaved out a sigh and thrust the gun at the back pocket of her jeans. Melody stood firmly, arms crossed over her chest.

Gabrielle knelt in front of her and tried to touch her hair but Melody shoved her hand away.

"You think I don't know what's happening in the house?" In my utter surprise, Melody pushed her sister and sprints towards the cabin. Dylan tried to chase after her but I got more perplexed about what I did. I kicked him on the shin and went to follow Melody.

An earsplitting shriek greeted me the moment I stepped a foot inside. Pure terror was written on Melodys face, her eyes were glued on the floor.

I followed her sight and finally witnessed it myself. The scene was frightening, of course not for me anymore but to my seven year old self, it's traumatizing.

A man about six feet tall was lying face first on the floor. Three visible holes still fresh from impact was lively spilling blood all over the carpet.


Footsteps came rushing in. Melody and Dylan looked at each other then back to us.

"You killed him!" Melody snarled. Tears streaming down to her face.

"I--I had to. You've said it yourself Melds... you know what's happening in the house." Gabrielle defended herself. The odd thing is that, she's not lying. There's no regret about anything. 

It looks like they've been planning to kill her foster father for quite a while now.

Melody shuts her eyes for a moment then opened them again. At this moment, I'm sure she's just shifted into someone else.

"That he's fucking you eh?"

I flinched but I didn't feel a single muscle twitched in my young self.

"Melody! Fine, Donna. Yes, you've seen it but you don't give a damn. I need my sister. I need her to undestand what I did." Gabrielle seemed to memorize completely Melodys condition.

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