Chapter 7: Hidden

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Ignoring Melody's call, I immediately hopped inside my car and drove away. Megan is still alive but Dylan keeps her in the basement, he sewn her wound and gave her antibiotics.

I passed by Luke's house and saw two police cars parked on their lawn. I saw Mrs. Jensen crying while being interrogated by the cops in their porch. Luke wasn't there and I'm sure of it so I maneuvered the car and goes to the place we used to visit during junior years.

And then I was right, I found Luke sitting on a big rock beside the river, facing the waterfalls. He's wearing the crappy cardigan and hat. "Hey," he obviously saw me. "What brings you here?"

I goes near him and settled down to the next rock. There was a faint smile on Luke's lips, making me wonder if he already knew that everyone were looking form him.

"Luke you need to come with me, cops are searching for you and you should show up and tell them you're innocent," I confirmed he doesn't know yet based on how his eyebrows furrowed.

"What are you talking about?"

"Megan is missing and someone saw you are the last person she's been with so they assumed that you might know where she is... or that you have something to do with her disappearance," I have to tell him straight forward although I think that he won't believe me right away.

Luke bolted up, running a fingers through his hair. "No, I-I need to talk to my mum—"

"Luke no! The cops are there, they are already questioning her. I think you should go to the school instead," I suggested but Luke shook his head.

"They will detain me Kiara, I can't stay in the cell and let everyone thinks I'm a criminal," yes he can't. Luke is innocent. If someone needs to be in prison, that's Dylan and me.

"I know a place where you can stay for the mean time. Let's wait 'til dark before you talk to your mother. I'm sure your house have been put in surveillance by now," Luke went silent for a moment but didn't argue anyway.


We headed in the same woods where Dylan lured Megan, there was an abandon cabin not far from there where I used to go whenever I wanted to be alone. It's the only place I know where Dylan won't find us, it's well hidden behind tall pine trees, bushes and many plants after so many years.

We left the car in the riverside because we will surely catch attention if we use it, especially that Dylan memorize its engine sound.

The cabin was already old and nasty but I think it's still good for stay. "Watch for your head this thing's about to collapse any time,"

It takes a great effort to get inside the cabin without bumping on the logs and debris that already fallen down to the floor, "Kiara we need to find Megan, what if the kidnapper got her?"

"He got her,"

"What?" Luke stopped and grabs my hand. "What did you say?"

I held my breath for a while, but seems like Luke already reads my expression. "Kiara do you know something?"

My head shook vigorously but I can't even deny it directly. Should I tell him now? But what if he responds differently? What if he don't take it the way I'm expecting him to?

"N-nothing of course," finally I managed to say, snatching my hand from him. "I-I'm just saying that who else would kidnap her? Obviously this serial killer is the only one lurking in Riverpond."

I think I'd just said something worse since Luke eyed me more suspiciously. I took a step back but realizes that I'm already trapped against the lumber wall. "You know something and you should start telling me everything."

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