Chapter 25: Demons

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Hesitant to open my eyes, I eagerly listens to the surrounding. I am afraid to find myself back in McKinney's road but at the same time, anticipated for the continuation of my dream.

Weird though. There are sounds of chirping birds nearby and a very faint waves hitting against rock from the distant. Where am I this time?

I prepared myself for whatever that's causing those sound and slowly opened my eyes. The sunlight filtered through the curtains as it penetrates my face. I focused my gaze on the white ceiling and a small chandelier hanging just above me.

Nothing's familiar yet.

I remembered that last thing that happened and it immediately gave me that feeling of hopelessness and mysery.

I moved my fingers and was happy that I still have full control of it up to my arms. I know I was badly injured by the previous accident, I lifted my legs a few inches up and was glad again that I didn't lose them. I am safe. I survived. Again.

No. That won't happen.

I nearly stumble out of the couch when the table moved towards my ddirection.

Covering my mouth with my hands, I lifted a gaze to the person who kicked the table.

Dylan was sitting on a chair made of steel, his hands were tied from the back, the duct tape was still restraining him to speak.

He rolled his eyes as soon as I propped myself up and sat properly on the couch.

I ignored his groans, instead I roam my sight across to what appears to be a rest house. It's a bungalow type with only one obvious room and a single bathroom. It supposed to bug me why I am not bounded like Dylan but I think who ever brought us here has its purpose.

Then I recalled the stranger's figure though of course I didn't even saw its face. I don't even know if this person is a girl or a boy.

I ran outside in hope to search for help from neighborhood. Then again, that hope immediately died after realizing that we're in some kind of a forest boundary, on the right side was the woods while on the left was a cliff.

It amazed me what miracle has happened that it seems like I didn't even break a single bone. Yes, I could feel a slight pain on my back and shoulders but that's it.

I walked towards the cliff's end, it is at least fifty feet from here, bed of huge rocks lays on the ground, thanks to low tide.

Convinced that no one can help me know what this place is, I went back inside and onto the couch. I was just about to open my mouth to speak when I noticed something on the counter.

Dylan finally stopped doing a hilarious exhibition to freed himself.

I approached the counter. I blinked twice and even rubbed my eyes just to make sure that I am not hallucinating.

There's a gun sitting on the counter with a sticky note near it and a key.

My heart beat went from fast to almost deafening. I reached out a hand and get the note.

'Kill him or kill yourself. It's up to you now. You can choose both if you want. No one cares anyway.'

My urge to kill this stranger got much higher as my will to kill Dylan.

I crumpled the paper and tosses it aside. I grabbed the gun with a brand new courage building inside my chest and made it back to the couch.

My grip was firm. My mind began to chant a mantra to end it now. End him now. Do not hesitate. To just fucking do it.

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