Chapter 27: Breakdowns

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Please do play Monster by Paramore, it's one of my inspiration in making this story. :)


I gripped the gun tightly in my hands, trying to suppress the way they tremble. My heart couldn't stop hammering against my chest while every second seemed to last a minute. My gaze constantly shifting from Dylan to the closed door.

My best friend is out there, I don't know who else's. I wish he didn't brought the cops with him, I'm not ready yet. Not now that I had more confusions clouding my head again.

"Here comes the dumbass knight in shining armor." Dylan yawns.

I gritted my teeth to control myself from bashing his head with the gun.

"Kiara!" I nearly had a cardiac arrest upon hearing Luke's voice yelling out my name. I gets so excited, I've been longing for that familiar sense of security that only Luke could provide. Heck! I missed him so damn much.

"I'm here! I-It's safe, I got him." The door burst open, Luke came in, armed with caliber 45.

"Kiara, come on, we're getting you out of here." Luke extended his arm. It's crazy how I wanted so bad to throw myself to him and hug him like there's no tomorrow but my feet were betraying me. I lowered the gun, suddenly afraid to meet Luke's eyes.

I don't know what he's been through but it's pretty obvious I'd already given him enough bullshit.

"I- I don't think you should've come here Luke." The lump in my throat apparently makes speaking more difficult. I hate myself so much. I hate being so uncertain and doubtful.

"What? Kiara you don't know what you're saying. Just come with us. I will bring you somewhere far. We will live just like before remember? Just you and me.." The smile on Luke's face is priceless.

Luke raised his gun stiffly towards Dylan who slumped down to the couch.

"What? My legs felt numb, go continue with your drama."

I rolled my eyes before shifting my gaze back to Luke. "I can't. Just get out of here and surrender the videos to the police." I pleaded.

He threw me a quizzical look, "What videos?"

I was just about to open my mouth when a less taller guy emerged behind Luke. It's Brian and he too was armed with a hand gun.

"Kiara what are you talking about?" Luke's voice startled me as the realization gets into my system.

"T-the surveillance videos.." I choked in a mere whisper, feeling a slight burn in my throat. My gaze fell to Brian, just then his aim went to my direction.

"I know it's you from the very beginning. You killed my sister and the rest! You killed them all you sick bastard!" Brian snarled, his arms are shaking but I know he wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger as his finger slides on it.

Luke stared at me, his eyes were screaming silent questions. "I- I don't know Brian. I-I was doing something against my will. I c-can't tell who I am anymore!"

"Can everyone just stop pointing out their fucking gun and start shooting?!" Dylan announced in bored tone, making me want to fill his head with all my bullet.

I clamped my eyes shut for a while, trying to summon any rational excuse that would make a fourteen year old grieving kid believe me.

"Brian listen to me. Can you at least tell me what you saw in the video?" I took another step back everytime he's aiming to shoot.

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