Chapter 15: What Am I?

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I found myself in what seems like a never ending pathway, arrays of tall old mahogany trees were my silent chaperone. Sounds from the insects and animals hidden on their own nests were the only things keeping my fear away.

The sun was already setting, turning the sky a beautiful ocean of orange cirri clouds. The constant pounding of my heart and shaking of my insides was keeping me aware that I'm about to drag myself into danger again.

But I'm not going to back out now, I was more eager to find who's the person Dylan's going to meet. I have this feeling that whoever it is, he or she has something to do with all of the killings.

What if this man is the one helping Dylan to get rid of the corpse? If that's the case, then I'm about to witness two psychopaths discussing their sickening deeds.

I've been with Dylan in almost two and a half months but I'd never heard him talking to anyone over the phone ever since then. Maybe he doesn't want me to know at all. Maybe he's afraid... because I know this person.

My eyes grew big as my own mind concludes the first possible reason. I stopped on my track when I stepped on something.

I looked around to make sure no one's following me, I still have this weird feeling like I was being watched but considering that I'm in the woods where various of wild animals are inhabiting, it's difficult to suspect anything yet.

My gazed went down to my feet again, my heart leapt a beat when I made sure it was a newly issued newspaper. I picked it up, still glancing at the surrounding once in a while.

The first thing caught my attention was the headline written in a red bold large letters.

'Seven missing teenagers of Riverpond High School were now considered a case of serial kidnapping.'

The air seemed to got polluted in an instant as I felt a difficulty in breathing. Finally, they managed to use their brains.

Still curious what triggered their conclusion, I flipped into the next page to read the article.

According to the latter investigation in the cases of seven missing high school girls of Riverpond High School, Detective Jasper Colton from the FBI, confirmed that the recent crimes is now considered as an act of serial kidnapping.

The victims who were named Suzanne Figgs, Diana Neumann, Margaret Sommers, Shiela Lysander, Amanda Heights, Juliet Jenner and the very latest, Megan Rhee were also speculated to be linked upon Gabrielle Wright's case eleven years ago. Gabrielle's case remained unsolve up to this day and some rumours spreads that her abductor came back to victimize not one but plenty of girls. Hence, Detective Colton, assured the parents of these missing teenagers that there's still a possibility that their daughters are still alive.

The only information we managed to get from the Detective is the obvious pattern that can be observed at each missing girls. First is, they disappeared every other month after the first one was gone, second is the fact that these girls have similar hair color which is red, and lastly, they were all aged seventeen.

All these traits leads to Gabrielle Wright's kidnapping which was a huge controversy in Riverpond Village. Gabrielle was known possessing red hair and it was her seventeenth birthday when she disappeared. Until now, there is no proof or lead that could tell her whereabouts or if she's still alive.

"Those dumbass, I thought they'll never figure out the very obvious pattern I made." I literally jumped and dropped the newspaper when someone spoke just in front of me.

Dylan was leaning against the tree and I don't even know how he got there in the first place. I never heard a single movement.

"Sorry to startle you, I'm just sooo excited to bring you the news. Isn't it amazing? I was wondering how much work they spent to finally see it! If ever they filmed their investigation or conference I swear it'll be one of my favorites." Dylan said, looking amused than ever.

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