Chapter 20: Diminish

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"Coffee for my dear son and hot choco for the lovely ladies!" Mrs. Jensen hummed before placing the tray on the table.

"Thank you Mrs. Jensen," Melody said with a sheepish smile. I couldn't even manage to curl my lips, my hands were cold as stone, I kept on glancing at the clock which says 6:05.

"Uhm Kiara? You okay dear?" Mrs. Jensen placed her hand on my shoulder, pure concern was on her face.

"Y-yes Mrs. Jensen. I'm just cold." then I picked up my cup and took a sip which slighty burnt my tongue.

"Mum, can you give us a moment?" Luke finally asked his mother.

Mrs. Jensen complied without another word, as soon as she vanished into the kitchen, Luke and Melody put their cups back on the tray and threw me a questioning glares.

"Tell us everything." Luke demanded.

I placed my cup back on the tray, keeping my eyes locked on the table. "Everything that happened, they're all linked to Gabrielle's death."

I was aware how I went straight forward after earning a grimace from Melody. "She's not dead Kiara, I told you I'm just saving money to refile her case."

Melody was still in denial and refusing to consider the possibility of her sister being dead a long time ago. I, of all the people was sure of it for I can still vividly remember the deafening sound of the gun shot that echoed across the silent woods that day Gabrielle disappeared.

My dreams might be doubtful but it's becoming familiar after trying to recollect them with my memory.

"Listen to her Melody." Luke interjected and so I pursued.

"We were too young that time, my memories hid at the back of my mind for so many years but something triggered it and they rolled like a film in my dreams..." I told them all of those dreams, from the first one which I found myself trapped in Dylan's young version up to the latest where I'm in seven year old Melody.

"You're familiar with his name Melody, that's why you kept on insisting to see Dylan that day I told you about him, you're hoping that he's the same person whom your sister fell in love with." after almost fifteen minutes of story telling, Melody's pinkish cheeks has turned pale, her eyes blink seldom as sweat began forming at the tip of her nose.

She looked stunned as if I'd just opened the Pandora's box in front of her.

"H-he can't be--" Melody threw her hands at either side of her head, tears leaking at the corner of her eyes. Luke embraced her shaking figure, gently cooing her to calm.

I ignored the sympathy that might take down all the courage I built to finally tell them the truth, I'm losing time and surely Dylan was already searching for me.

"Melody, open your eyes. Look at me please." it takes another minute before I pursuade her to follow my request. "Dylan Matthews is the same Dylan that Gabby dated eleven years ago."

Her face went rigid at the mention of Gabrielle's nickname. "G-Gabby..."

My heart broke into thousand pieces when Melody burst in tears, her shoulders were shaking uncontrollably that it's already starting to bug me. I looked at the wall clock. 6:45, shit!

"Melody we have no time, Dylan will surely find me if I didn't return by seven."

Luke turned his gaze at me, for the first time I felt intimidated at the way he's eyeing me. Luke has always been the nice guy, now he's literally stabbing me with those stare.

"I-I'm sorry," I think my heart just explode right there, I buried my face on my palm, the adrenaline that keeping my energy upheld was now sinking, I felt so weak. So helpless. So alone.

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