Chapter 2: Hunters

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Lily Collins as Kiara Grantt

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Lily Collins as Kiara Grantt


Riverpond High School had changed a lot since I left, or at least the atmosphere. The usual teenagers freely roaming around are all too afraid to even go out of their classrooms, there were faces of missing teenage girls pinned on the bulletin board as I passed by the hallway. I felt a wave of guilt upon looking at them, knowing somehow I contributes on their death.

There was no confirmation that these students were officially dead because no body has been found yet, I don't know where Dylan disposed them since he never let me go with him every time he's getting rid of the corpse.


I turned around to find Megan holding a paper.


"Glad you're back. Personally, I don't believe those rumours about you and Mr. Matthews. I knew it, you're just related to him or something... well you two have some similarities though," Megan smiled and pinned the paper beside the others. My heart leapt a beat but not actually surprise to see Jenner's photo under the bold-capital 'MISSING' word.

"Er, thanks," I politely said.

"Mind if I leave you here? I have so many stuff to do, you know..." Megan is the president of student council so yeah, I gave her a faint nod before she went running away.

I can't help feeling sorry for the rest of the girls here in Riverpond High School, they think that this is one of the safest place in the world when in fact the demon is just lurking around them.

 I looked around the campus, I watched a group of boys playing games on their p.s.p's under the tree. Bunch of girls eating silently on a marble table... they're all anxious, each of them seemed to talk without voice. Like they're somehow whispering words against me, they were throwing me sharp glares as if I am the criminal.

The strong wind blew my face, why is it suddenly went cold? And then I heard voices... faint scream... they're calling my name... they are begging for their lives.

"Kiara help me! Please help! I don't want to die Kiara, please tell him to let me go!"

"My little brother is waiting for me at home, he's all alone. Kiara please help me to escape.."


"Kiara help me!"

"Ahh stop! Just fucking stop!" I threw my hands on my ears, clutching my head tight.

"Kiara?!" then I felt someone shaking me on the shoulder.

"Get off me! Don't you understand? I can't do anything! I cannot help you!" then I struggled off his grip.

"Kiara it's me!" he grabbed my shoulder and forced me to face him. "Kiara it's me, It's Luke. Kiara open your eyes, please. I won't hurt you."


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