He nodded.

"Your neck must be killing you then," I remarked, feeling a little bad for him.

"Yeah, but you can always give me a massage, you know," he suggested, seriously.

"In your dreams, Chico." I snorted.

"First of all, I am no Chico and second of all, how did you know that's what I dreamed about?" He asked with a bewildered expression.

"I know everything," I gloated, pushing the blanket off me. "Anyway, what time is it?"

"Around eleven."

My body jolted in panic. "What?! Eleven?! I overslept?! I never oversleep! Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I tried to." He held up his hand. "But you threatened to gut me like a fish and then you tried to kiss me like crazy and said some really dirty things."

"If I wasn't already late to school, I would've thought of a nice comeback." I frantically pulled my hair up. Daniel didn't look like he was even slightly in a hurry to go anywhere. "Aren't you supposed to be hurrying up too?"

"Oh, I am suspended for today," he answered easily, not giving a toss. "For you know, beating up your wuss of a boyfriend."

"Just one day?" I repeated.

"You sound disappointed," he noted with a sarcastic smile.

Waving off his expression, I clarified, "I'm not. It's just people get suspended for atleast two days for fighting on school grounds."

"Yes, they do but what they don't have to do is join the freaking stupid Computer club as a punishment too," Daniel complained, groaning. "Damn my father and that stupid Principal."

"Aw, you little geek. Finally getting to hang out with your kind of people," I teased. "However, I didn't know that we had a computer club in our school."

"No one does. And you know you should definitely see the kind of people in the group. They talk about Comic Con and their TI-83s. And that's not even the worst part! What's even more scary is that they do it in Klingon!" He faked a shudder.

"Can't be that bad," I commented and then I remembered that I was supposed to run. "You've distracted me once again! I'm getting late."

In reply, I just got a lazy smirk. "Again? Means I distract you often?"

I crossed my arms with a 'not impressed look' on my face.

"Okay, that's scary," he leaned back with a mortified expression. "So anyway, it's already past eleven. Just skip rest of the day."

"I can't do that," I answered at his absurd suggestion.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't miss school."

"There's always a first time for everything, butterfly," Daniel remarked. "You still look like my dead aunt Joelle. Take a day off, get some rest."

"Have you ever realized you've an unhealthy obsession with dead people and their bodies?" I asked, plopping back on the couch.

His face became grim. "When you have the curse of seeing dead people, you are bound to get obsessed about them."

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. "So you're into necromancy too?"

He gasped, hurt. "I didn't choose this lifestyle, Norah! I was born this way!"

I didn't know whether he did the Lady Gaga reference deliberately or it was just random, but it still made me laugh.

Norah & DanielWhere stories live. Discover now