Chapter thirty one - Cherry's act in jealousy part 1

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I was struggling with coming up with an idea. But thanks to Creepy9Pink I got this in my mind for this chapter. Only thing I have left is to develop the idea... the hardest part!

Today's question: what movie/comic/story comment/situation affected your life in a funny way? (you know the meme 'I am a man'? the "Spiderman - I AM A MAN" version that you can find on youtube. well thanks to that video every time someone says the words 'I am a man' I think of the person saying it in a very high pitched voice)

- Author P.O.V

Edgy just finished his food and brought the plate back to the table, then he returned back to (Y/n) and snuggled into their stomach. Clover was still reading his book, comfortably snuggled into (Y/n)'s leg while reading.

Cherry had slightly red on his cheekbones. He was still sitting on the table in front of (Y/n) and the guys that were snuggled into (Y/n)'s body. Cherry didn't even realise that he hadn't touched his food after Clover snuggled into your body. He was just staring at the place where Clovers back was connected with (Y/n)'s leg.

Cherry felt anger pulse through him but he didn't let it show. He did not understand why he felt like it, but he knew he hated the feeling.

After some time, he finally settled down and made his plan, as long as he won't get caught, Clover is as good as gone.

plan 'Clover plucking' was set and ready

-(Y/n) P.O.V

I noticed that Cherry wasn't eating his food. "something wrong with the food, Cherry?" I asked the bitty, a bit of worry was present in my voice. The said bitty looked slightly startled and looked around as if he has forgotten where he was located. 

After Cherry checked the room and remembered what was happening, he returned his gaze back to me, this time with an innocent/confused expression on his skeleton face. "are you still hungry?" I asked once again, but in a different wording. Cherry just answered with a simple 'no'.

I put the once-again-sleeping Edgy on the armrest and stood up. I took all the food that was yet to be eaton and carried it in the kitchen and to the fridge. 

When I left the kitchen I felt the need to go to the bathroom, so you went quickly to do my duty's.

-Cherry P.O.V

I heard three doors open and close. The first door I could only guess was the kitchen's, to leave the food there. The second door was probably the bedroom, since the door to the living room didn't open and the third door was probably the one that leads to the bathroom.

I tore my gaze away from the door that leads to the hallways and looked at Clover and Edgy. Edgy was still sleeping and it looked like Clover was on the last page of his book. I decided to wait a little for an opportunity to open.

When Clover finally finished his book. He somehow lifted the book over his head and jumped off the couch. He than started walking to the book shelf and managed to place the book on the lowest shelf.

I starred at Clover as suddenly an idea came to my mind (I just imagined Cherry sitting on a coffee table and he has a light bulb over his head at the moment). I stood up and started walking towards the back of the bookshelf.

The wood that the bookshelf was made of looked old and it was some kind of dark wood, that I do not know the name off. When I was near the back of the book shelf I went into the space that was between the bookshelf and the wall.

I leaned myself against the wall and then brought my feet up and placing them on the bookshelf. My feet were buckled, and I pushed to straighten them. Even if I am small and weak I managed to tip over the book shelf making it fall to the ground with a loud bang. 

Just as planed! The shelf fell right as Clover was walking back to the couch and missed him. As I heard fast taps of footsteps nearing the living room, I quickly and silently ran back to the coffee table where (Y/n) last saw me. 

The door opened and the metall handle banged against the wall. I scared (Y/n) was present at the door.


sorry guys, just had to make a pause here

I'll try to update very soon. Thank you for being patient with me!

By now I bet you have the next words drilled into your head, so ill just skip that part.

THANKY AND I LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH!!!! See ya next time! Bye guys!!

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