chapter eleven - apology

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today's question: should I stop asking questions since no one ever answers? (probably the weirdest question yet)

I have no idea if I have said this or not but if I didn't than I'm saying it now. Cherry is not a bitty that I have myself created I have just found out about him when I was surfing on the internet. I do not remember who Cherry originally belongs to so I do not know who to give credit to!!!

School has started!!! ...Welp time to go to hell!


-Cherry P.O.V (i will start with the chapter right when you left the room)

I looked at the door as it closed. I turned my head towards the bowl with water,  I cringed and teared up at the memories that came flooding back into my skull.

~Flashback start~

I was in a purple room,  it was my last mamas house. I was in a plastic box filled with water.  My old mama had their hands wrapped around me, strangling me.  Her arms kept me from getting any air,  she had me under the water to prevent me from breathing.  She would only let me get some air for a couple of seconds, just enough for me to survive before practically drowning me once again. I felt like my non existent lungs would burst, but I still didn't hate my mama. If what she did would make her happy I would let her to continue. 

My mama was laughing at my pain. She was shouting at me hurtful words of how pathetic and worthless I am.  When she felt I had enough she just dropped me to the hard tiled floor, causing me to slightly hurt my tailbone and pelvic bone. She threw a white towel on me that is by now completely grey from not washing it and left me there. I was crying repeating apologies for whatever I did wrong and questions asking what I did wrong. 

~Flashback end~ (just saying,  I do not have a bad life or someone that abuses me or anything like that,  I just watch a lot of horror & action movies)

I started to tear up as I stared at the water, remembering my hurtful memories with my last owner. I was shaking due to the cold (he was in the fridge, of course he is cold) and just stared at the water like if I went in I would be instantly drowned, since that the only memory I ever have of the water, was being almost drowned in it by my mama.

I was shaking and crying for who knows how long. I heard the door open and I was startled. I flinched and curled up into a ball to hopefully not to be seen.

-(Y/n) P.O.V

I walked into the bathroom only to see that Cherry was curled up in a ball, crying and whimpering. I quickly ran up to Cherry and started to try and comfort him. "hey, are you ok?" I said with a sweet voice while trying to lift him up, he violently flinched and started crying harder. I was at a slight loss at what to do. I decided to pick him up and cradle him in my arms (I have no idea how to say it in the right terms so hopefully it's correct). He was whimpering out words like 'I'm sorry' and 'don't punish me', I was beyond confused but I kept trying to comfort him. "you did nothing wrong sweetie, you have nothing to apologise for." I said trying to soothe his crying. It took about fifteen minutes till he's crying just turned into hiccups. "ok now, let's take get you a bath and then we can go and watch a movie, how's about it?" I asked calmly. Cherry slowly nodded his head and I put him on the counter. I decided on not to ask what made Cherry cry in case it made him having another breakdown.

I helped Cherry to take of his clothes off(not the boxers). When I took of his shirt I noticed that some of his bones had cracks in them, I felt sympathy for the little guy and hatred towards who ever did it to him. I felt sad at the thought that Cherry must have had been abused by his last owner, I didn't understand why someone would ever even buy a bitty and then abuse them like that. Just the thought disgusted me.

Cherry hesitantly climbed into the bowl. I took out a brush and started to scrub Cherry's bones, being careful to avoid the cracks. Cherry first seemed to be tense before relaxing and leaning into the brush. I felt happy that I managed to get Cherry into a good mood once again.

When I was done Cherry climbed out of the bowl. I Wrapped him into a blanket making him into a little skeleton burrito. I giggled as Cherry snuggled deeper into the towel. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room. When I walked in I saw a depressed looking Edgy on my bed, I felt Cherry shaking and I sighed. 

I sat down on the bed with Cherry snuggled into my stomach on my lap. I felt him shaking while I stared at Edgy waiting for him to apologise. after about a minute of pure silence I decided to talk. "wasn't there something you would like to say to Cherry, Edgy?" I asked Edgy with a serious expression. "I have no idea what you are talking about!" said Edgy huffing while crossing his hands and turning his face away from mine. I glared at Edgy with a slightly raised brow, Edgy started to sweat before giving out a big sigh of defeat and started talking. "I-...I'm sorry Cherry-" Edgy began talking and slightly tearing up, Cherry instantly looked up at Edgy noticing the starting tears. "-I'm so s-so sorry, I-i was j-jealous and s-scared *sniff* that you would take (Y-(Y/n) a-away *hic* from m-me." Edgy said in a shaky voice and started crying, Cherry stood up and slowly and carefully neared edgy with the towel around him like a cape. "I'm s-sorry *sniff* Cherry, I-i just didn't want to be *sniff* t-taken back to that *hic* s-store!! I just didn't w-want to l-lose (Y/n)..." Edgy said with his voice getting shakier and quieter after every word, red tears rolled down his cheek. Edgy tried to continue talking but only thing that came out was quiet whimpers. Cherry finally reached Edgy and hesitantly hugged him. Edgy seemed to stiffen but slowly hugged back. You just stood there, watching, unable to do anything, after all you were not the one that supposed to fix this, you were only supposed to give the push to Edgy to apologise. 

After some time Edgy's cry's turned into quiet whimpers and hiccups. "hey guys, do you want to watch a movie?" I asked my small little bitty's in a hushed tone, both of them just nodded in response. I picked them up and started walking into the living room.

 When I entered the living room I put down Edgy and Cherry on the sofa and left to go into the kitchen to make popcorn. I put the bag of popcorn into the microwave and leaned on the counter. When the popcorn was done I took the bag out and held everything in a bowl. 

When I walked in back to the living room I saw that Edgy and Cherry were snuggling together and sleeping, I silently awed at them. I sat down on the sofa and put on a movie to watch and set it  on low volume so Edgy and Cherry could sleep peacefully.

'after every little problem we grow closer, we might fight but we make up, this is my family and I don't want any other'

I REAAAALLLY am sorry that I didn't update yesterday like I planned, my internet was a huge butt and every time I made a pause to get food or go to sleep or bathroom brake... my computer refused to save and I had to start over!!! So I re did this story 7 times!!!! I kinda got a little to impatient so I shorted out the story slightly.

I am truly sorry for my bad grammar and spelling but I do try, and I write this mostly just for fun and to cure my boredom. 

If you have any ideas for the next chapter I am more than glad to know them, if there is some kind of questions that you have because you don't understand something I will be more than happy to answer them. 


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