chapter twenty two - Nightmare

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I'm doing pretty good, thank you for asking

Today's question: if you could choose to live anywhere you ever wanted, where would it be and why? (I would want to live in Germany or in space, Germany because my best friend lives there, and space because... I want to fly like superman and eat cookies like a fish a.k.a without using hands)


-(Y/n) P.O.V

'WHERE DID EDGY TELEPORT TOO!?!?' I mentally screamed, I quickly looked around my room trying to spot him.

I ran into the living room about to ask Cherry if he had seen Edgy, but when I came to the living room I stopped dead in my tracks. What I saw in front of me disgusted me/weirded me out.

Edgy was humping Cherry. Edgy was sweating and panting while Cherry was crying and struggling to escape. (Just writing this made me cringe)

I quickly ran over to the couch and separated the two bitty's. I put Edgy in his crate and made sure to put a steel lock to prevent Edgy from escaping. I took Cherry and went to the kitchen to find some kind of treat that might distract Cherry at least a little bit. I found a chocolate chip cookie jar, I grabbed four cookies. 

I gave Cherry two of my four cookies and walked into the living room to give Edgy one cookie. And what happened to the fourth cookie you may ask? Oh, We ate it on the way from the kitchen to the living room. (well there goes my fourth wall, does anyone have bricks and cement I can borrow)?.

I decided to hang around Cherry for now, since it looks like Cherry has gotten traumatised. I grabbed Cherry carefully and walked to my bedroom.

When I reached the bedroom I went over to my bed, avoiding the broken door, and sat down. I laid down on my bed and propped myself up with pillows against the headboard, Cherry was on my stomach just laying there and staring at me.

After a few minutes in comfortable silence I felt as my eyelids started drooping. I was being pulled into deep slumber and after trying to resist it's comfortable embrace I gave up and just accepted it. I was pulled into a deep slumber that I will not be getting out of any time soon.

~~~Dream start~~~ (trigger warning)

I we're in complete darkness. I could not tell if I were floating or falling, if I was upside down or right side up. I looked around and it looked like I was in a room where no light exist, but when I tried to move any of my limbs it felt like some kind of goo prevented me from moving them. I wasn't breathing, but it didn't feel like I needed air to live, if I even was alive. My body felt numb and immobile (is that right?).

I kept looking around, trying to see if something will change. But nothing did. I was stuck in the darkness Completely


I tried to yell out for help, but no sound came out. I wanted to cry, but no tears were present. I wanted to hug and comfort myself, but I couldn't move.

After what felt like an eternity of doing nothing, a figure was seen in the distance. Even if it was completely dark the person was still seen. They were walking over to me.

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