chapter twenty four - Clovers Rescue

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*clears her throat* I AM ALIVE!!!!

Ok so first things first, I am very sorry for not updating. The only reason to it was, me having to study to a very hard and confusing test and then having lots of homework. And the day after finishing my test my mind didn't want to work, after pulling almost all nighters the whole week, you would not really expect to have energy to make something.

Second! In case there are people in this book that never reads A/N, I will repeat myself. This chapter I will add a new character to the book. How he looks and his information you can see at the top.
The picture is owned by me, the owners of the character is me and my best friend catsparklz (almost wrote his name there XD)

After having the question of what naming the dude we decided on Clover. The name came a couple of times in the comments and I have no idea who was the original to give the idea.


Fourth! This chapter is requested by my friend, the same friend that came up with clover. The plot twist and most part of the story is based on the idea catsparklz gave me (more precise, the whole little novel he had sent me)

And lastly, today's question : what movie can you watch over and over without ever getting tired of? ( How to train your dragon or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I know the second one is not a movie, but a series, but it still is my answer)

NOW!!! ENJOY =D !!!!!

(H/l) = hair length 

(H/c) = hair color

-(Y/n) P.O.V

I woke up and grabbed my phone, I checked the time and it said it was 11 AM. I stood up and went to the kitchen, not even bothering to put on my daily clothes. I decided on making tacos since I didn't feel like making breakfast today. 

When I was done making the taco's, I ate mine and went to my room to give Cherry and Edgy Each their little taco. 

When I entered my room my soul practically melted. Edgy and Cherry were snuggling up to each other and hugging, providing warmth to each other. Little blush was noticeable on Edgy's face, and a peaceful smile was present on Cherry's. You cursed under your breath, because you left your phone in the kitchen and could not take a photo of this little moment.

"Rise and shine~" you said in a sing song voice while putting down the two plates on the bed.

Edgy groggily woke up and tried to rub sleep out of his eye sockets. I could see how his vision focused in front of him. First Edgy had a confused look before he started blushing like crazy and pushed Cherry away from him, causing Cherry to wake up. Edgy quickly stood up, only to fall and roll down my pillow. Cherry was already fully awake and was trying to hold in his laughter, Edgy was sitting down, arms crossed with visible blush on his face and grumbling to himself. 

I did the best I could not to laugh at what happened, and I surprisingly succeeded. I smiled as Cherry and Edgy neared their food and started munching it down like small goblins. 

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