chapter twenty eight - bath time

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I know me pirate impersonation makes me sound like a squiffy, but it shore is funny

yer question for today: what is yer favourite grub? (=what is your favourite food?) (crayfish and spaghetti)


- (Y/n) P.O.V

I carried the bitty's into the bathroom and placed them on the counter next to the sink. I grabbed three bowls and filled them with warm water. I took some soap and added it into the bowls, the running water turning the soap into bubbles. I took out a red bath scrub, That was twice the size of a bitty's hand, and placed it next to one of the bowls. 

I stood up and walked towards the exit of the room. I opened the door but I turned around to face the three bitty's. "you guy's remove your clothes and leave them on the counter, if you are cold you can go into the bath." I told the bitty's the information on what they should do, than I turned back around and walked out the room.

I walked quickly to the kitchen and grabbed two containers. I stored my spaghetti in the larger container and stored the bitty's meal into a separate container from mine. I put the container's into the fridge and walked back to the bathroom.

I walked in to see all the bitty's already in their separate bowls. All the bitty's were covered in bubbles, the counter and the sink was also covered in bubbles and soapy water. Edgy was giving death glares to Clover and Cherry, who in their turn were struggling not to laugh since the bubbles made Edgy look like a mini version of Santa Claus. I stifled a laugh and walked over to the bitty's. "you guys seem to enjoy yourselves" I said with a chuckle.

Edgy and Cherry snapped their heads towards me with a startled look and Clover flinched before looking at me. They probably didn't notice me coming in. 

I took the red bath scrub and started rinsing and cleaning every bitty, one by one. They all enjoyed being cleaned, and they all made a small whine of disapproval and gave me a sad look when I stopped cleaning the current bitty to clean the next one.

After some time of cleaning the three little bitty's my hand started getting tired, I decided that it is time to end bath time and go to bed. 

I grabbed three random towels, two of them being garnet red and the third one being cerise pink. I gave each bitty a towel, not paying attention who got which colour. 

One by one, each bitty left their baths and wrapped themselves in a towel. I picked them all up and carried them all into my room. I felt drained of any energy, so I grabbed Edgy's and Cherry's PJ's and a pair black shorts and a white tank top for Clover to wear as PJ's.

I gave every bitty their clothes that they will sleep in and face planted on the bed, completely drained of any energy. 

After almost zoning out and going to sleep I felt pressure of two small hands on my right cheek, squishing it in the process. "what?" I asked with a grunt, the pressure left my cheek and all I heard was silence. When I realised I wouldn't be getting a reply I glanced in the direction of where all the bitty's were. They all were standing there looking very uncomfortable, mostly Clover, that was closest to my face. I made a tired smile with the energy I had left and shifted in the bed, changing mine and the bitty's position. My head was on one of the two pillows I had on my bed, I was curled up around all of the bitty's, giving them a sense of security and safety. 

I smiled at the bitty's one last time before whispering them a tired 'good night' and letting the world of slumber pull me into its warm and comfortable clutches. I was already asleep and was completely oblivious to the glare Clover was receiving from Cherry, because clover was the one that slept closest to my face

'a well spent day always brings the best dreams, so let's see which once you will get'

I finished this chapter and I finally feel accomplished.

and if I got someone confused, I really did mean to write that it is Cherry the one glaring, not Edgy

I will do an Easter special, but because me and my family have lots of traditions to cover up it will probably come out a little late.

I am sure there are a lot of improper grammar and incorrect spelling, that might have caused autocorrect change what I originally meant... if you want you are free to correct me and I will correct it as soon as I see the comment

if you have a request for something to happen than you can tell me and I will gladly hear it out and make it come true

If you have questions of something that happened, you may ask me to explain!

thank you for reading my chapters YOU ALL ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING and I hope to see your comments in the future and the present

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