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THE PRINCE | twenty.


Stepping out of the bathroom, Justin's eyes wandered over to Baby who was still sound asleep. Not wanting to wake her up, he began to tiptoe over to his dresser. He opens the drawer slowly and grabs a random pair of sweatpants. As he pushed the drawer closed, there was a small creak. He instantly shut his eyes not wanting to move an inch.

He opened his eyes slowly and looked over to Baby. She stirred in the bed but remained asleep. He let out a quick breath and looked down at the sweatpants. After putting them on, he walked carefully over to the door. Before stepping out of the room, he looked over at Baby one last time to make sure she was okay.

Slowly backing out of the room, his hands gripped onto the doorknob as he pulled the door back. Once it was completely shut, he looked to his left, looking down the empty hallway. A sigh of relief left his lips. The coast was clear.

Letting go of the door, he turned on his heels to the left expecting nothing but emptiness, but instead of welcomed by his brother.

"Te voilà," Jaxon gives him a closed-lipped smile. Justin flinches back not expecting his brother to be right in front of him.

There you are.

"Je suis ici," Justin let out a nervous chortle. "Bonjour," he gives him a small wave.

Here I am...Good morning.

"Je venais en fait te parler," Jaxon begins. "J'ai entendu quelque chose de plutôt drôle que je pensais que tu devrais entendre."

I was actually coming to speak to you. I heard something rather funny that I thought you should hear.

"Et qu'avez-vous entendu?" Justin gulped. He shoved his hands in his pockets not wanting for his brother to his hands begin to sweat.

And what did you hear?

"J'ai entendu que nous avions un invité," Jaxon plasters a smile on his face as he held both of his hands together behind him. "Je ne t'ai pas réalisé et la fille devenait sérieuse."

I heard we have a guest...I did not realize you and the girl were becoming serious.

"La fille a un nom. C'est Baby." Justin gives him a cold, stern look not wanting to deal with him much longer and wanted to make sure his brother knows that. Justin's once good morning was now turning into a bad one. "Comment l'avez-vous même découvert?"

The girl has a name. It's Baby...How did you even find out?

"Vous ne pensez pas que la sécurité ne me dit pas qui entre et quitte les lieux?"

You don't think security doesn't tell me who enters and leaves the premises?

"Y a-t-il un but dans cette conversation? Tu n'es pas mon père," Justin shot back.

Is there a purpose to the conversation? You are not my father.

Jaxon chuckles lowly shaking his head. He reaches into his pocket for his phone. Unlocking it, he pressed an app, and then turned the phone towards his younger brother.

Justin grabbed it immediately, bringing it closer to him.

"Is that--" he began.

"--Pensez-vous qu'il est sage d'amener une fille ici? Le public saura en un rien de temps. Cela aura pour résultat d'exposer sa vie au monde," he tells me in a hushed tone.

Do you think it is wise to bring a girl here? The public will know in no time. That will result in exposing her life to the world.

His expression hardened as he stared at the picture in silence, feeling slightly defeated by his brother's words. He pressed his lips together, keeping his head lowered and eyes focused on the photo of him and Baby. displayed on an online magazine website. It was dark, but it was obvious it was him in the picture. It was just from last night when he was helping Baby out of his car.

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