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Dear Diary...

Should I say diary? Or is that too adolescent? Did you like that word? Adolescent? I've been trying to use bigger words since I'm turning nineteen soon. This is what I call adulting. I'm becoming an adult.

I'm currently on a plane on my way to Nice, France. I'm going to keep saying it until it feels real.

I am on a plane to Nice, France.

I plan on having the most spontaneous trip ever. No holding back...unless I can get arrested or get hurt in a way, then its perfectly fine to hold back.

We're almost there. Just a few more minutes and the pilot will soon announce that we are preparing for landing. I have endured about ten hours in a plane. Ten.

It wasn't that bad though. I met a girl, her name's Clara. She's cool. I'd describe her as an English, sour-patch loving, sarcastic girl. I like her. She's seated right next to me. I got lucky. I was worried I'd have some weird person next to me for the next ten hours. She's cool.

We talked a lot about anything and everything — from boys to our favorite candy to our personal lives.

I wonder—

"Whatcha writing?" Clara asked as she leaned over to me. I flinched immediately not expecting for her to be so close. "Sorry. I tend to sneak up on people a lot," she added sheepishly.

"No, no. It's fine," I laughed softly as I shut my diary. "I was just writing. I've decided to write, every day or at least try during this trip. For memories." I clicked my pen then set it down on the small table.

"I like that. I'd do the same but I'm much better at talking than writing. I talk a lot," she admitted.

"You should try vlogging. You have a really fun life," I commented. "And shall I say you're very entertaining," I mimicked her accent making her laugh softly.

"Well thank you," she put her hand on her chest. "It really sucks that I got to meet a really cool person and now we're going to land and go our separate ways," she sighed.

"Why doesn't she come with us?" her brother asked making us practically jump in surprise. We turned to her brother, Colton, who was sticking his head through the space between our seats.

"Come any closer and your big head will get stuck," she said in a monotone. She gave him an annoyed look, but he simply ignored her and turned to me.

"So, what do you say, Baby? I mean, we're going the same way. We have a means of transportation. We even have a place you can stay at."

"Y'know, for once in my life, I agree with my brother. You should come with us! It's not like our parents would mind either," she shrugged her shoulders.

"Are you guys nuts?" I laughed. "I could be a psychopath! I'm not, but I could be. How are you going to invite a stranger to stay with you? You guys are crazy," I shook my head as I brought my hands to the sides of my face.

"That didn't sound like a no," Clara sang.

"It didn't sound like a yes either," I mimicked her voice. "You guys, I want a spontaneous trip."

"What's more spontaneous than a couple of rich kids asking you to come with us to Monte Carlo? Now you won't have to struggle your way through. Instead, there will be a car waiting for us once we land. So...what do you say?"


"I can't believe I'm actually here!" I whispered. "Is this even real?" I say as I looked up at the ceiling of the airport if you can even call it that. It seemed more like a large, futuristic dome rather than an airport.

"It's real alright," Clara laughed grabbing my forearm. "Now, come on. Our driver's here."

"Driver? You weren't joking," my jaw slightly dropped. Clara let go of my forearm as she turned towards me in confusion. Colton continued to walk towards the exit of the airport not even paying attention to us.

"Why would I joke about a driver? I told you there was going to be a car awaiting us when we land," her head tilted slightly, blinking slowly.

"I thought you meant like-- like a rental. You know what, nevermind. I misunderstood," I waved my hand in an attempt to quickly change the subject.

Clara's mouth pursed slightly, pushing her hair behind her, she plastered a small smile on her face. "Alrighty them," she breathed out clasping her hands together. "Shall we then?" She turned around on her heels and rushed over to Colton.

I licked my lips then pressed them together. I tightened my grip on my suitcase and began dragging it behind me. In the distance, I saw Colton enter a large, black Escalade. Clara quickly followed behind him. Once I reached a car, Clara turned to me.

"Leo, this is our new guest," Clara spoke up.

"You must be Baby," a large, bald man said, extending his arm out. I mimicked his actions and shook his hand.

"Yes, that is me I mean, yes, I'm Baby." I could feel my cheeks warm up. I internally cringed feeling like a complete idiot.

"Nice to meet you, Baby. I'm Leo, the driver," he smiled. "May I?" he gestured towards my luggage.

"Oh, thanks," I stepped aside. I shifted my weight, staring at the large car.

"Well," Clara brought her hands up, "Don't just stand there... Come in," she waved me over. She scooted to her left, moving closer to Colton to make space.

"Thanks," I gave her a small smile as I moved next to her. "Thank you guys again for uh, taking me as your guest."

"Stop thanking us, Baby," Colton laughed. "Now sit back, relax. We have a pretty lengthy ride ahead of us." He stretched out his arms, his right arm moved right in front of Clara's face. Her face scrunched up, slapping his hand away, she then pulled out her phone.

"We're going to have so much fun, Baby," she began. "In the plan, I started to mentally plan everything out. You'll get to meet all of my friends and we'll get to go to all of the best parties. There's actually a party tonight. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

"Yeah, totally," I flashed her a quick smile. I turned my head towards the window. Here I was on my way to Monte Carlo, where I had planned to explore, but instead, I'm going to a party.

Totally not the plan.

A lil' small chapter, to prepare for the next one.

DID YOU GUYS PEEP THE NEW COVER? WHAT'S THE VIBE? DO Y'ALL LIKE IT? I changed the main girl because I'm clearly very indecisive.

I'm gonna start the next chapter, so expect another update very soon! P.S Justin is going to make an appearance veryyyy soon.

I have so much in store for this story. Get ready.

Love you guys!

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