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we hit 10k yeahhh boiiii <-- that was when i first started the chapter. now we're at 11k ily guys :..)

i'm sorry if there were any mistakes, i get so excited to update. if you say any, just point them out and i'll fix them xx



"Please don't go," Justin whispered against my lips. I kissed him one last time before throwing my head back in laughter. "Don't leave," he says again. We stood in front of the villa in each other's arms. I was still tired and could feel the urge to sleep beginning to consume me. I rested my head on his shoulder as he tightened his grip on my waist. "So you're staying?"

"No," I laugh tiredly. "I have to go," I repeat finally taking a step back. His hands moved over to mine. "I'll see you tomorrow. Okay?"

"Yes." He squeezed my hands gently as he looked at me.

"Good," I nod my head, giving him a suspicious look. I began to pull my hands away, but Justin held on to my hand. "Oh my gosh," I laugh. "Justin, you're like a child. I'll see you tomorrow," I repeat walking backward. Once he let go, I turned on her heels. As I walked up the steps of the villa, I called out, "I'll get to see you play polo."

"That's true," he yells. "Promise to not make fun of me."

"No promises," I waved behind me before walking inside.

The minute I stepped inside, I just wanted to jump around and squeal. I remained my composure. I closed the door behind me slowly not wanting to make a noise.

"I was wondering when you'd get back," I hear someone say behind me.

I gasped turning around with my hands on my chest. There stood Leo with a knowingly smirk.

"Morning," I flashed him a quick smile. "Did I wake you?" I asked him with concern.

"No, no. I am what you call an early bird," he says.

"Oh, good. I thought--"

"--That you woke me up after staying the night with Justin," he smirks.

"I...I." I looked at him speechless. I pursed my lips as my eyes squinted slightly. "Personally, I don't know what to say at this point," I clasp my hands together.

"You are a very funny girl, Baby," he laughed wholeheartedly. "Now I suggest you go up before Clara va écrous..." He walks away, disappearing into the halls of the villa.

"Va écrous?" I whisper to myself. I don't know what that means, but if Clara is in the same sentence then it's probably not good.

I slowly approach the stairs. I say a quick little prayer, praying that I won't make any noise before stepping on the first step. By the time I'm halfway through the stairs, I hear a small noise. I instinctively freeze as the noise grows closer and closer. My eyes widen once I see Colton scratching his head as he walked down the hall.

I hear a door shut followed by a sound of him peeing. I let out a sigh of relief. I rushed up the stairs, moving as quickly and silently as possible as I head towards my bedroom.

I close the door behind me letting out a heavy sigh. I rest my head on the door. Closing my eyes, my mind wandered back to last night's events.

Justin is going to make me go crazy.

"Late night?"

I flinched as I whipped around seeing Clara sitting on my bed.

"Jesus-- What are you doing in here? You gave me a heart attack." I move my hands over to my heart that was beating quite rapidly. "What is with you people sneaking up on me? Ever heard of saying hello?" I say sarcastically.

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