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THE PRINCE | seventeen.


Justin and I followed closely behind everyone as a waiter led them to a table. As we walked through the restaurant many people began to chatter. I saw a woman subtly pull out her phone and direct it on Justin. That's when I remembered that I was just strolling next to a freaking prince. I always forget, but now with everyone taking pictures of him, reality all came rushing back in.

I looked over at Justin who kept his eyes ahead. I don't even think he realizes how many people are staring at him. He must be so used to it, it must feel weird when people aren't looking at him.

We slowed down in our steps as the waiter halted at a secluded table. The wooden table was decorated with white and silver decorations with a blue accent. By the looks of it, my meal was about to be expensive -- too expensive.  

We all moved around the table and sat down in a seat. I sat between both Nicole and Justin and directly across from Colton, who I feel I haven't seen in a while. 

"Vos menus," the waiter says handing each of us a menu. "Puis-je commencer avec des boissons?"

"Et pour vous manquer?" 

I stared at the menu with narrowed eyes. What does this all say? I totally should've taken French in high school. This all looks like gibberish. Really pretty gibberish.

"Baby," Justin whispers nudging me softly. 

"Huh?" I look up at him.

"He asked you if you'd like a drink," he says looking over at the waiter. 

"Oh right, right," I say looking at the waiter. "Uh, can I get a coke?" I say slowly. Hopefully he understood what I said, I mean, how else would I say a coke?

"Of course," he nods his head before moving on to Nicole. 

"Merci," I smile. I look back down at my menu and flip the page onto whatever was on the page. 

"So what's the plan for this weekend? I don't feel like traveling somewhere too far," Colton says flipping through his menu. "I've been quite bored."

"I don't know about you all, but I have plans," Clara smiled proudly. 

"Really? Do tell, sister," Colton replies in a bored tone. 

Clara ignores him and continues speaking. "Stefan is visiting," Clara sighs happily. "He's taking me out this weekend." 

"Clara-free weekend. I call for a celebration," Nicole whispers to me. I laugh softly agreeing with her.

I felt a hand move to my thigh, I look down and saw that his hand was turned up. I look over at him and saw that he was in immersed in a conversation with Liam. I bit back a smile as I put my hand in his. 

I flip through the menu and looked for the cheapest thing I could possibly get. I can't tell what anything is, but numbers are universal, so whichever has the smallest number wins.

It has almost been a month of me being here and as time passes, I have realized that my money has been running out at a much quicker pace than I anticipated all because I've just been trying to keep up with everyone's lifestyle. It's like I have a burning hole in my pocket or something.

I just found out that Nicole's parents are uber rich. Her mom is a supermodel and her father is a fashion designer. Violette is a model, makes a lot of sense due to her lean figure and she's gorgeous, and Liam's parents are both actors. And then there's me. My mom is currently unemployed, but when she was employed, she was an art teacher. Then there's my dad -- incarcerated.

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