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EARLY UPDATE! WOOP WOOP! and look how adorable he is. i cant. I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to show some love by voting and commenting! love u guys xx -S

THE PRINCE | seven.


Justin stood before the full-length mirror, looking at his reflection. He tugged at the end of his button-down shirt for probably the fifth time. For the first time in a while, he was actually nervous. He moved his hands back up to his hair making sure that no strand of hair was sticking out. As he turned his head side to side, there was a knock on his bedroom door.

"Monsieur Bieber, votre frère voudrait vous parler," a man informed him.

Mister Bieber, your brother would like to speak to you.

"Okay. Merci, Nicolas." he exhaled sharply putting his hands down. 

Thank you, Nicolas.

Nicolas swiftly stepped out of Justin's bedroom with Justin closely following behind. Justin walked down the lavish hallway towards the main corridor.

"Nicolas," Justin began. "Did my brother say what he wanted to talk about?"

"No, Monsieur."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," Nicolas bowed his head as he continued walking.

"Nicolas," Justin sang behind him.

As they both walked down the corridor, several staff workers stopped in their steps, kneeling or curtsying to show respect. Justin bowed his head giving them a small smile as he walked passed.

"Monsieur, I know nothing," Nicolas shook his head in amusement.

"Are you lying?" Justin asked in a playful tone. "Nicolas," he sang again.

"I am serious," Nicolas insisted. "Your brother is in his office," he says gesturing towards the large, wooden double doors.

"Thank you," Justin sighed deeply knowing he would have to be serious now.

Waiting for Nicolas to walk away, Justin pushed the wooden doors revealing his brother sitting behind a large desk. His brother, Jaxon looked up slowly. Taking off his reading glasses, he spoke up.

"I need you to accompany me today."

"No. No. I can't," Justin immediately shot back.

"And why not?" Jaxon asked as he put his glasses on the desk.

"I...have a, uh prior engagement."

"A prior engagement... I see..." Jaxon cleared his throat. "Well cancel whatever prior engagement you have because I need you here." His tone of voice implied that he was not going to take no for an answer.

"And if I don't accompany you?" Justin challenged.

"I think you know the answer to that," Jaxon replies looking back down at the paperwork on his desk. "Send my apologies to your...prior engagement. I think they will understand. Now get dressed. The meeting is in ten minutes."

Justin scoffed lightly as he looked at his brother who was no longer looking at him, but at the paperwork on the desk. Justin constantly felt as though he was talking to a wall rather than to his brother.

"Of course. I would not dare disobey the prince," Justin spoke coldly before turning on his heel. Huffing in annoyance, he stormed out of his brother's office, not wanting to hear another word from his brother.

The Prince • JBNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ