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he's so hot oml.

THE PRINCE | three.


Baby's eyes lit up by the second as they zoomed through the beautiful city of Monte Carlo. It was just like the movies, she thought to herself. Monte Carlo was filled with several alley ways. They all looked as if they led to a secret passage to another world.

Baby's hands pressed against the leather door trim. She was tempted to just unlock the car and run out, but that would be foolish.

Foolish. Another fancy word.

This is adulting in progress...

Baby licked her lips, shifting in her seat, unable to sit still. As Leo drove, he glanced behind him through the rearview mirror. He chuckled softly seeing Baby looking out the window with wide eyes.

Grateful, excited kids...that's a change, he thought.

Baby reluctantly turned away from the window to look at Clara and Colton. Baby internally shook her head as she looked at Clara and Colton who seemed to not have one care in the world. Is this what it's like to have money? You get so used to travelling all around the world you just don't care.

"A-Are you sure your parents are going to be fine with me staying with you guys?" she began to fiddle with her hands. "I can seriously find a place to stay. I saved up the money for just that," she added.

Colton shrugged his shoulders aimlessly as Clara reapplied her lipgloss.

"Listen, even if they aren't okay with it, it's not like they'd see you there often," Clara rolled her eyes. "We live in a pretty decent sized villa -- probably bigger than your house," she commented.

Baby plastered a small smile on her face, she blinked slowly then turned away.

What was that supposed to mean?

"Plus, I can always lie and say you're a friend from boarding school," Clara added. "Lying is easy. I do it like it's my job."

"You went to boarding school?"

"Unfortunately," she muttered.

Clara puckered her lips, moving her head side to side to examine her lips. She patted her lips softly with her ring finger then rubbed them together. She shut her compact mirror as she saw their family's villa in the distance.

"There it is!" Clara let out a high pitch squeal, pointing her finger in the distance. She clapped her hands together as she began to bounce her feet.

Now, Baby did not want to admit it but the villa was definitely bigger than her house, but she wasn't about to tell Clara. She had a feeling it would get to Clara's head.

"Wow," Baby whispered in awe. Her fixed gaze was on the white, two-story, no wait, that's three stories. They live in a three-story villa. It looked very regal.

As Leo drove up the driveway, Baby noticed that there were small balconies for every window. There was a clean-cut lawn that looked so perfect, it appeared fake. A small fountain placed right in the middle.

"This is amazing," Baby commented.

"I know right?" Clara smirked.

Leo parked the car and rushed over to the car door. He opened it, letting Colton walk out thanking him in the process. Clara scooted out with Baby close behind.

"Thank you," Baby smiled while Clara brushed passed Leo towards the front door. Glancing up at the large villa, Baby brought up her hand over her eyebrows to block the sun. Colton and Clara were already going inside as Leo opened up the trunk of the car.

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