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"yoona, today the boys are going to do movie night at jungkook's house, what do you think about meeting them?" Ana cleaned the counter while Yoona set the tables.

"ah I don't know anna, I will not fit with your rich friends!" Anna laughed and looked at her friend. "oh yeah, because I'm super millionaire and I fit perfectly with them." anna said wryly.

Yonna smiled and threw a napkin in her friend's face, and after much insistence Anna managed to convince her.

"How am I going to live without you here?" Yoona complained, sighing hard and looking at Anna.

Anna had spoken earlier with Yoona and with her boss about leaving the cafeteria, she would start working for Mr. Kim as soon as possible.

"You will ​​replace me" yoona laughed, "Never!" Anna replied.

and so the two continued cleaning the shop in their comfortable silence.


Anna was preparing popcorn while jimin got the pizzas, jin prepared some drinks, all the boys had arrived, less taehyung, they prepared the room with cushions and mattresses for all to lie down.

yoona had gotten along with hoseok, the two of them always with their humor on top, they laughed without caring about others. Anna was loving that she had made new friends, life seemed to be in the right way now.

the only problem was taehyung, he was returning to be the idiot from before, anna had agreed to do social work with him and he didn't show up, apparently had gone back to missing therapy more than once and had gone back to drinking and going out with different women every night.

it required a lot of effort, everything Anna wanted was for him to create responsibility, but whatever move she made seemed to irritate him, she no longer knew what to do, and the worst Mr. Kim was getting sicker and sicker, Anna needed help him from time to time as he lost his grip and fell to the ground.

it had broken her heart, he had become a father to her. Lucky for her that she had jin, the two had come closer and closer, while she taehyung had distanced themselves more, not realizing, Anna was burning the popcorn.

"Hey hey, why don't you let me do this?" jin said smiling and taking the pot from her hands, Anna agreed and went to sit in one of the mattresses next to yoona who talked non-stop with hoseok and namjoon.

"Is everything okay Anna?" jungkook asked sitting next to her. nodding her head anna remained silent, she only thought of him.

taehyung please, you were doing so well, please don't ruin everything.

and as if by magic, taehyung appeared... but not alone, accompanied by another girl that anna and the boys had never seen, it was just another one on his menu, and worse, he looked drunk.

Anna rose and ran toward him, resting his arm on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Anna hurried to ask, and as she got close she smelled the alcohol. "taehyung you need to stop driving drunk, please!" Anna's voice was now almost like a sigh, the knot had grown large in her throat, she cared so much about him, but for taehyung that doesn't matter.

for Taehyung she had traded him for his friends, he was jealous and he was too proud to admit it, so he just turned away from Anna's touch and threw himself into one of the mattresses, the girl he brought sat next to him, she started hittin on jungkook while taehyung was passed out.

anna ran to pick up a wet towel and pass it on his face, waking him slowly jin, namjoon and jimin helped put him in jungkook's room.

"You guys can leave, I'll take care of him!" Anna said as the boys left her alone with him. Anna felt tired and sad, could no longer stand insisting on something that doesn't seem to have a future; a tear fell watering her cheek, she quickly dried out.

Taehyung was now half awake muttering things she didn't understand.

"Why do you do this taehyung? why you don't change?" Anna adjusted the covers and smoothed the pillow for him to lie down comfortably.

"I'm tired!" Anna blurted out knowing he wouldn't hear her.

but taehyung was listening, he just didn't have the guts to look into the eyes of the girl he had discovered he loves, he couldn't bear to see her so sad because of him. but he couldn't help it, escaping reality with drinks and women was the way he learned to deal with rejection.

"Why taehyung?" Anna then rose from the bed, looked at him again before leaving the room, closing the door. now taehyung was alone and lost, he breathed heavily, his eyes burned with the tears that began to wet his face.

"Because I love you Anna!"

"Because I love you Anna!"

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