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Anna and Taehyung were getting ready to go to college, they had left early from work and had managed to go home to take a shower. the two had come closer this week, nothing too drastic, but at least tae didn't curse her more often, and that was a victory.

"Come on, Anna!" taehyung shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Damn, we're going to miss the bus!" taehyung complained.

"You can use the car today, son! You deserve it!" Mr. Kim said as he approached his son.

"We can take the bus dad, it's fine!" Mr. Kim was surprised at the son's response, with a smile on his face. He put his hand on the son's shoulder and looked into his eyes.

"Your mother would be proud of the man you have become!" he said leaving anna and taehyung behind.

Taehyung looked at Anna who was smiling. "What?? Stop smiling!" Taehyung said pulling the girl out of the house.


all were gathered in the college cafeteria, it was an interval, and although everyone took different courses Anna and the boys always tried to meet in the open hours, Anna had realized that she could count on the boys to help her with tae.

he became more relaxed and more active with the boys near him, so Anna could help him more, and he didn't need to overload himself so much, whether or not things were fitting together.

and of course she could see jin more often, during the week she had even thought about calling him out, but she had seen him refuse too many girls during the week so she soon gave up on the idea.

"I need to talk to you!" Anna pulled the boy into a quieter corner.

taehyung was still getting accustomed to the intimacy she had built with him, it was not bad it was just .... strange!

tae ... I think I can get used to it, being called that way by her doesn't seem so wrong ...

"you accept?" Anna finished the sentence, and to his despair taehyung hadn't heard a single word she had spoken.

"whaterever, yes!" as far as taehyung knew, anna could have asked him to marry him and he wouldn't know, so without much thought he accepted.

"Ok ... I need to go back to class." Anna turned her back on him and went back into the hallway.

without worrying too much taehyung returned to his own class.


Anna had left class and was waiting taehyung to leave to go home together.

"Waiting for the taehyung?" Anna turned and saw jin behind her.

"Uhum." she smiled at him, she never tired of admiring his beauty.

Anna felt her cheeks burn as he stood beside her.

"I'll wait with you."

"don't need jin"

"You know ... you can call me oppa, we have intimacy enough for that."

now surely if there were no more people to witness to her shame, Anna would be jumping and screaming in the corridors.

Anna nodded, trying not to look desperately happy on the outside how much she was inside.

"I waited all week, but you didn't ask me ..." Anna glanced toward the boy as he faced the street in front of them.

"ask what?" Anna had no idea what he was talking about.

"to go out!" jin was quite straightforward, his words did not even seem to affect him the way they affected Anna, he was serious facing the cars in the street while her face was red like a tomato.


ah ??? Was that the smartest answer you could think of? you embarrasses yourself, Anna!

Anna was having such an inner quarrel that she did not even notice jin staring at her smiling.

"Do you want to go out with me, Anna?" the girl dropped her chaotic thoughts aside and stared wide-eyed at the handsome boy at her side.

her mouth dry, Anna only nodded without another word.

"Look at the tae!" jin pointed to the other side of the street, taehyung was with his arms around the waist of another girl while he kissed several times her face, and by the way she was beautiful, more beautiful than it had to be.

Anna felt a huge discomfort in her stomach, she didn't know what kind of feeling it was, but she did not like it.

"Let me take you home, tae can go by himself!" Jin interrupted Anna's thoughts and smiled at her.

aah that smile !!!

melted, Anna allowed herself to be guided to his car.

"You live in tae's house, don't you?"

"yes..." she said ashamed, she has felt like this lately, she wasn't ashamed to be humble or to have come from a poor family, the problem is that she hadn't won anything, and felt helpless, dependent.

It had been bothering her horribly. jin noticed the girl's sad face and then hurried to ask what was wrong.

"Nothing!" Anna replied, watching the buildings pass quickly through the car window.

"So tell me Anna, how did you, such a beautiful girl get involved with a guy like taehyung?"

anna then smiled, jin thought she is the cutest thing in the world, she had no idea how beautiful she was, and it made her look more prettier! 

jin liked mature girls like anna. he was sure that if he hadn't been driving he could look at her for hours.

so they began to talk about their lives, and jin could know more deeply the girl he has admired from afar since he first saw her on the street ...



so... what you guys are thinking about this book! i promisse that i have a lot to do in this book, is going to be bette! don't quit on me. 

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