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"aaaah! that hurts, you crazy." Anna kept hitting taehyung's shoulder as he ran down the house.

"It hurts? good!" she said giving another slap. "I can not believe you brought me here against my will."

"Well, technically you did not say 'no' you kept quiet while I brought you." anna and taehyung had stopped running and now were panting.

Anna glared at the brown-haired boy and stepped forward, jimin jumped between them, separating them.

"You look better Anna!" jin said. Anna responded positively with her head, she felt shy near him. 

he is so cute and handsome.

"You can two, stop fighting and enjoy the rest of the trip" Jungkook said.

"okay" taehyung and anna responded against their will.


"This is amazing jin." Anna said putting in another bite of the food that Jin had prepared for them.

"This is amazing jin." Taehyung mimicked Anna in a thin, irritating voice.

namjoon looked at the boy berating him, and soon taehyung stopped and continued to eat. the night in front of the fireplace went without further complications, everyone laughed and had fun, Anna knew the boys better and yet she could not understand how they were friends of taehyung.

"well! We have 3 rooms with 3 couple beds and the living room sofa," jimin said. Who's sleeping with who?

the boys decided with rock, paper or scissors, and Anna stayed with yoongi. nervous, she lay on the bed and waited for him to come, she was hearing the door opening,  Anna realized that it was not yoongi that was there, it was ...


quickly sitting on the bed Anna faced taehyung with anger.

"what are you doing here???"

"Yoongi did not want to sleep with you and ended up left for me." without wanting many explanations, Anna lay down and crossed her arms.

could be anyone... but no! it has to be him.

"If you snore I'll punch you," she said, staring at the wall.

"I do not snore, I'm perfect, but i don't know about you ..." taehyung neither had a chance to finish the sentence, a pillow flew in his face.

"You sleep on the floor," Anna said.

"No away, you sleep on the floor"

"I am a girl."

"and I am a boy, now that we have established the facts, shut up I want to sleep!" Taehyung lay down on the bed and turned his back to Anna.

Anna sighed deeply, seeing that she could not argue with him, and decided to go to sleep.

  Taehyung on the other hand had his heart pounding too fast without knowing why, so it took to long to him to fall asleep.


after breakfast everyone decided to go to the lake that was there near the house, so they could enjoy the sun and the heat. Anna was still angry at the discussion she had earlier with taehyung.

"You can't just get your hands in my panties and bras and think it's normal" Anna shouted.

"omagaaaaad so exaggerated, your panties are really old!"

Anna threw a pillow in the boy who turned away laughing.

"go faster, wear your old bikini and go to the lake." Taehyung ordered.

"Are you going to stand and look at me changing my clothes?"

"I Don't enjoy horrors shows!" Taehyung said coming out of the room.

"horrors shows ..." Anna repeated to herself sitting on the edge of the lake remembering the scene. 

"That boy doesn't know what horrors are, those naked pictures of him are the real horror show."

"Stop grumble and come have fun Anna!" namjoon saind helping her to stand up. Anna decided to take off her clothes and go swim with the boys, it was hot and she was not going to get there alone.

 "Fuck ..." hoseok said and then jin spilled water on his face.

Anna looked at the boys who stared at her open-mouthed.

"What? What?" the girl had no idea how beautiful she was and so the boys stared at her speechless, including taehyung that was serious, but he couldn't help staring at her.

Anna hurried into the water, not quite understanding what had happened. the water was icy but good, and Anna decided to relax.

floating, Anna felt the water cool her back and the sun heating her face, she suddenly felt something go under her back, but without much importance continued with her eyes closed.

a tug was all that Anna felt before being dragged by something on the water, Anna kicked the hand that held her and swam back into the shallows.

  Anna sat on the verge searching for air, she stared at the lake, rising from the water was taehyung, he laughed at the desperation of the girl, he had pulled Anna to the bottom to give her a scare.

"idiot!" anna threw water at him and taehyung choked a little with the water that went into his mouth, soon after he replied throwing more water into her, and so the two started a war of water and without realizing the two were laughing and having fun.

slowly they were pausing to catch their breath, looking at each other blandly, the two of them had just shared a moment and that made them uncomfortable.

 shifting the look, taehyung left swimming away from Anna, leaving the girl thoughtful.

the day had passed and now at night they decided to make a bonfire outside and bake some potatoes and drink a few beers and soju. Anna had moved away from the boys to admire the view.

"Hmm, I love the country sky, there aren't those huge buildings capping the view of the sky," Anna was talking to herself but was soon interrupted by jin who approached and sat next to her.

"You're right," Jin said and Anna looked at him noticing his presence, she smiled dullly, he left her like that, shy, she felt like a little child near his huge figure.

so beautiful, so cute, stop with this anna, a boy like him would never look at you.

and after long conversations, anna and jin looked at each other with a smile, and she could swear that there was an atmosphere between them, and it was when Jin got near her face that she was sure of what was about to happen.

He's going to kiss me!!!!!!!

"Uhumm!!!" someone cleared his throat behind them, interrupting the moment.

"Am I interrupting something?" Anna turned and saw taehyung looking serious at her.

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